XX - Severus

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"It will probably be okay."

Severus chuckled in a dark tone and shook his head, looking at her with the cold look he so often had present finally back in place. Had he forgotten who he was? He was Severus Snape, he didn't have girlfriends, he had dates, sometimes not even dates but.. other things.

"I'd love to, actually. But only if you really mean it. I don't want to be hurt, anymore than you do."

Severus put a hand to his head and smirked, finding himself amused now. What had happened to him before? How was it that he could become an emotional wreck over Lily Evans? Disgusting, he thought to himself, he was best friends with Lucius Malfoy, he couldn't possibly be the way Anthea thought he could. Severus Snape wasn't afraid to do anything, hurt anyone, he could be a stone cold killer if he had to.

"I don't mean it." Severus stated bluntly, his black eyes scanning her briefly.

"To be honest I'm just pissed off because I can't get what I want, and I want Lily Evans because I can't have her.. And I want her even if she is a filthy little mudblood because that way James Potter can't get her." Severus was in a sense speaking to both her and himself at that moment, sort of voicing his true thoughts out loud.

"You know I'm not an occlumens for no reason, and if you want to know what I really think, of you that is. I need someone new to mess around with because currently things are a little.. out of place, in my life, if you would. So really, I'm not looking for any emotional attatchment because we both know, that I truly am the cold hearted bastard I come off as." He concluded with the famous smirk of his that nearly shouted that he was an asshole. And oh how he loved the feel of it, the absence of commitment.

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