Ouran High School Host Club Requests: 1 (Umehito Nekozawa)

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I calmly took a sip of my green tea.  Even though I hated the idea of the host club they did serve the most amazing tea. It was a nice way to wind down after school. I didn’t book appointments with any of them, save Haruhi when I really needed to talk to her about something. I was here simply for some peace and they respected that. I had my own little nook right at the back, where the sounds of the host clubs swooning fans were a soft natter, easy to ignore.


I nearly dropped my cup in shock as Tamaki’s terrified shrieking stopped the happy chattering. I stood up and looked over the heads of some staring costumers to see all the commotion. Tamaki was now clinging to Haruhi, crying something about how ‘Daddy’ would protect her. Kyoya had got up to take a look at something on the floor, quickly dismissed it and sat back down.  The twins were snickering to themselves at Tamaki’s distress and Mori and Hunny were still eating cake, indifferent to the situation at hand.

I sighed and patted the wrinkles in my dress. I walked over, carefully dodging the still gawking host club clients. I finally got to the clearing where Tamaki was still sobbing at the side. There wasnt anything but a white rag on the floor. I walked over and picked it up, shaking it to get rid of any dirt. It unfolded, showing a pair of slanted sewn on eyes, pointy ears and a little black bow. I held it out towards Tamaki.

“Its a cat puppet. Nothing to cry about.”

I slipped it onto my hand and made its little hands rub together. Tamaki squealed and hid behind Haruhi.

“A-Amaya! Put that down! You’ll be cursed like I was!! Haruhi! Stay back Daddy will keep you safe”  

He carried Haruhi to the far side of the room glaring at the puppet on my hand. I sighed and shock my head.

“What are you talking about? Who would waste their time cursing you? You get into enough trouble by yourself”

I could feel something shifting about inside the puppet. I pulled it inside out and gave it another shake about. A square piece of paper fluttered to the ground and Tamaki began to freak out again.


He started flapping around and pulling good lucks charms out of no where and sticking them on everything. He gave me a stern look and held out a shaky hand.

“Ama-Chan, hand me that piece of paper slowly. I will get rid of it”

I snorted at him and twiddled it between my fingers. A flash of red lettering on the other side caught my attention. I turned it over and looked back up at Tamaki.

“Tamaki, its not for you. Its got MY name on it.”

I unfolded the rest of the paper, ignoring Tamaki’s girlish screaming, it didn’t have any other writing on it. It was simply my name and a sort of gothic style heart hand drawn under it.

“Well, we don’t believe it.”

Hikaru and Kaoru sleuthed up behind me and grinned at the piece of paper. I glared at them and held the paper away from their grabbing hands. They started glancing at a door on the other side of the room.  I gave them a confused look.

“Has that door always been there?”

Tamaki grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away.

“Stay back Ama-Chan! The dark magic club resides behind that door. And it looks like one of them is infatuated with you! Dont worry I shall protect you from their evil!!”

Haruhi tore off the lose luck charms Tamaki had stuck onto her and glared at him.

“Sempai! Stop being so dramatic! So one of Nekozawa’s friends has a crush on Amaya. For all we know it could BE Nekozawa.”

Tamaki opened his mouth to speak but froze as the gothic door creaked loudly open. He squealed and shuffled back hugging Haruhi’s legs in tears.

“He heard me! Haruhi daddy’s about to be cursed again! If anything happens to me I want you to wear a dress at my funeral!”

He voice had turned into shrill whispering. The door had only opened a little, it didn’t look anyone was coming out. A pair of white triangles slowly poked out from the crack. And everyone fell silent again. The triangles gave way to a pair of a sewn on slanted eyes and another pair of triangles for arms. It was another cat puppet, a really shaky cat puppet. It looked like it was having a seizure.  It waved one of its little arms, coaxing one of us to come over. I started pointing at random people in room taking the puppets shaking head as indication. I finally settled on pointing at myself and the puppet slowly nodded, starting to shake again.  I walked over slowly and bent at the knees so I could be level with it.


The puppet began to twitch and rub its little hands together. I leaned a little closer hoping to catch a glimpse of the person behind the puppet. The door suddenly swung open and I felt the faint pressure of lips on my own as a flurry of a cloak appeared and quickly disappeared behind the door again. I pressed my lips together and covered my cheeks with one hand to hide the blush I could feel warming my face.

I looked back over at the surprised faces of the host Club and their guests. Then to the little cat puppet clenched in my hand. The whole room was dead silent, no one could say anything.

Ouran High School Host Club Requests: 1 (Umehito Nekozawa)Where stories live. Discover now