Ghostfacers !

Começar do início

"What do you want ?" Harry asked.

"Where's the girl ?" Sam asked bluntly.

"What girl ?"

"In your video, you know blonde hair" I added.

"Oh the hot one ?" Ed asked.

"yes" Sam said holding in his anger.

"oh we have a scheduled case tonight, we are spending the night in this haunted mansion. Lets just say i think she has a thing for me " Ed said bragging.

"Yeah okay, we're coming" Sam declared.

"What no" Ed said.

"Yeah 1 we have to make sure you don't die, 2 we have to talk to Ashley" i said backing Sam up.

After about ten minuets of arguing they gave in and let us come.

Ashley's p.o.v

I sat at the steps of the mansion waiting on Ed and Harry i had been waiting for about twenty minuets and they are usually never late. I finally saw the van pull up just next to my car but when they got out of the car i could still hear music and an engine.

Just as that popped into my mind a black 67 impala pulled in beside them.

My face went blank, the panic on my face was probably noticeable. Dean walked over towards me with his arms open.

"Ashley" he smiled as he pulled me into a strong hug.

"Hey Dean" i said as i pulled away.

Sam followed shortly after Dean with the bag with the guns in it.

"Hi Sam" i smiled.

"Hi" he smiled back.

We all walked into the mansion and laid our stuff down in the living room.

"Okay i think we should get sleeping arrangements sorted, um Ashley you can sleep over here next to me and Harry and you other guys can do what you want" Ed smiled over at me.

"um Ed sorry but i think i'm going to sleep near Sam and Dean. You know a lot to catch up on" i politely rejected.

"yeah yeah, okay just don't be a stranger"

I smiled quickly and turned to face Sam and Dean.

Sam's p.o.v

As it got later we all started to get prepared for the ghosts. Dean and i where loading our guns, so was Ashley except Ed wouldn't leave her alone constantly flirting with her, touching her arm. I wasn't jealous or anything its just hard seeing her for the first time and i have to watch her with him.

It got to eleven thirty and we where all pretty tired so we all went to sleep. Ed and Harry slept over at the other side of the room with me Dean and Ashley over to the left.

"Remember guys anything weird, wake everyone up" Dean yelled before falling asleep.

I was the last to fall asleep due to Dean's snoring and i felt as if Ed was going to crawl into Ashley's sleeping bag. But i eventually did fall asleep.

Ashley's p.o.v

I woke up leaning on something but sitting up right, i opened my eyes and couldn't see anything just pitch black. I could hear breathing then a groaning noise.

"Who's there ?" I said quietly.

"hello ?" i added as the groan got louder.

i decided to get on my hands and knees and crawl to see where i was or at least where it goes. I took a few steps, far enough that i could tell it was okay for me to stand up. I stood up and walked slowly down this tunnel thing, before i tripped.

I fell to the round and landed on something hard but not as hard as the floor. As i fell i felt gasp for breath and then some coughing. Still lying on my chest and on top of whatever this thing was i decided to at least find out what i was lying on.

"Um, who or what is this ?" i said nervously.

"Ashley ?"

"Sam ?"

Oh god this is embarrassing.

"Where are we ?" He asked.

"I'm not sure but i think if we walk around we can find out" i said.

"Um, ash i can only stand up if you get off me" he laughed.

I moved back off him and let him stand up as i did the same. The only thing is i cant put any pressure on it.

"um, Sam i think i twisted my ankle or something" i said my voice quivering.

"Well where are you" he said while extending his hand to find mine.

He finally found my hand and grabbed it.

"Ready ?" he asked.

"what for ?" And before he could answer he pulled me up.

"Okay now jump on my back"

"ill try" i said as i balanced on one foot.

I gripped Sam's shoulder and jumped forwards to get on his back. He  lifted me up slightly to adjust my comfort, he then held the bottom of my thighs and walked forwards.

I clung on to Sam with my arms wrapped my arms loosely around his neck as he walked forwards.

"Sam, Do you have any idea where we are going ?" i asked.

"Um, no" He replied. 

About ten minuets later we both realized that we had probably been walking in a circle for all that time. We both decided that we better just sit down and either call for help or wait for Dean to wake up and realize we where gone.


Old friends, new peopleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora