Chapter 25: One by One

Start from the beginning

"And J and J security," Kane finished, "Now get out."

Back to the ring:

"Well, this was just undeserved, guys," Jerry said, "I mean, just because Lexi wants a match tonight she has to be put in this situation. This is just Kane abusing his power."

Seth's music came on as my gaze turned into focus.

"Yeah and Lexi has a huge challenge in not only the WWE champion, but J and J as well," Byron said.

Seth came walking out with his security as the commentators continued talking.

"Yeah, but Lexi isn't going to give up," Jerry said.

Seth entered the ring and looked at me with a smirk as he held his title in the air. J and J clapped for him.

"They're just like his paparazzi, aren't they?" Jerry said, referring to J and J.

The referee rang the bell. I waited for the person to start to stay in the ring, but instead Seth walked past me to grab a microphone.

"Wait just a second," he said, "Kane forgot to mention that this handicap match is all members legal."

An annoyed look appeared on my face as the crowd booed.

"Come on!" Jerry exclaimed.

"This isn't right," Tom muttered.

J and J started attacking me first. They were able to get me trapped in the corner as they started punching me. I rolled out of the ring as soon as possible.

"Come on, bring it! I'm standing right out here!" I challenged.

"Go get her!" Seth ordered.

I watched as Jamie and Joey both got on either side of me. I glanced at them back and forth.

Jamie came running at me first. I dodged out of the way before pushing him straight into Joey, causing them to run straight into each other.

"What are you guys doing!" Seth yelled.

I dusted my hands up before I lept in the ring and Seth and I started fighting it out.

"And here's a real fight!" Jerry yelled.

Seth irish whipped me into the corner and I came right back to a shoulder tackle.

"That's right, I'm the champ!" Seth gloated.

Seth immediately tried going for a curb stomp, but I ducked out of the way as he came running back, I quickly hit him with a spinning heel kick.

I went for the cover, but Jamie had gotten back in the ring and had grabbed me by the hair and whipped me into the corner. I waited for him to come running over before I trapped him on his way over and hit a hurricarana.

"Great counter!" Tom praised.

I turned around to look for more, but I ended up getting hit with a huge superkick right to the face that sent me flying across the ring.

"That, ladies and gentlemen, was one hell of a super kick!" Byron said.

I held onto my jaw as Seth ran over and started stomping the crap out of me. Joey also got back in the ring and helped.

"Now come on, this is a two on one situation!" Jerry yelled.

Joey picked me up just as Jamie walked back over, looking a little winded.

"Pick her up!" Seth ordered.

"This cannot be good," Jerry muttered.

Jamie and Joey both went on either side of me before picking me up and setting me on Seth's shoulders,

"Triple power bomb!" Jerry exclaimed when they hit it.

"Shield 2.0!" Byron exclaimed.

"Lexi was going great," Tom said, "But the numbers game is going to be to much," Tom said as Seth got the pin.

I instantly rolled onto my side, holding my back. Seth got up and got his arms raised by his security.

"Well, Lexi had a little bit of an opening, but against those odds," Jerry shook his head.

"When is the odds going to be against the authority, guys?" Tom questioned.

"Never," Byron shook his head.


Renee was trying to catch up to me as an angry look was on my face.

"Excuse me, Lexi!" Renee called.

I stopped by her.

"Lexi," Renee said, "I want to get your reaction on what happened out there,"

I shook my head, "The authority can just never have fair matches! How many times do I have to compete in handicap matches, Renee!"

I took a angry breath, "Well, I'm sick of it, Renee. Things are about to change starting....."

I was about to speak, but I suddenly saw Joey Mercury walking by himself. I looked back at Renee, "Starting right now."

I ran forward and knocked Joey down from behind. I immediately went to grabs steel chair from nearby and went right on the attack.

"Lexi's lost it!" Byron exclaimed as I continued my assault.

I suddenly unfolded it and wrapped it around Joey's ankle.

"No! Don't it, Lexi!" Byron yelled.

"Lexi's going to break Joey's ankle!" Jerry yelled.

Refs had now ran over and were begging me not to do it.

Instead, I stomped on the chair causing Joey to yell in pain. I continued stomping it over and over again.

The refs finally had the guys to back me off.

"That's what happens when you cross me!" I yelled at Joey as I got carried away one thing on my mind.

One down.....

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