Off To a New World

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   So here you are, feelings all sad and depressed, being left out and not conforming with anything that goes on in society. What do you do?  You don't run, no that isn't the answer. You do change it though, do anything you can that will make you happy while not hurting others. And that's exactly what I did. I did not run, I said my goodbyes and was on my way. So here I am now, with 5 grand to my name, a bag full of supplies and a head filled with a good plan. But first thing is first, let's get the hell out of this wretched state of Ohio where the weather goes from freezing cold to boiling hot in less than a few days.

I spend my money carefully trying to make it last. I buy a ticket to somewhere a bit warmer that I wouldn't mind sleeping outside if I had to. Tennessee, here I come, by bus for only $150! I do need to travel on foot a lot, maybe get some rides from random generous people on the road if possible. But right now I am on this bus, and it is taking forever... a 12 hour trip on a bus equals... not fun. At all. But it must be done. The lady next to me looks like she doesn't know much English and the people across from me are two dumb teenagers as I once was. Probably more obnoxious of course, as the generations below the one before, tend to be. The bathroom stinks, I can smell it from here. Oh well, I guess I should get some sleep.

Almost here, great! That was a nice 8 hour sleep, only 2 more hours until we are there! I am in no hurry of course, I only have the REST OF MY LIFE to get where I am going, which is only wherever the wind takes me. I do not have anything to pass the time with besides my survival books i brought along, just in case. I had already read those too, front to back about three times... I think four times would just be unnecessary.

Here we are! 'Ol great Tennessee! As i go west, I should find many places to rest as national parks and open stores with spots in the back where no one can see you! That is always fun, sleeping in stores that are open 24/7! Just try not to get caught and you won't get kicked out! I do not need to sleep at the moment so I grab my stuff and head out. I say bye to the women that was still next to me and she says, "Adios!". Seems I was right about her not speaking English, oh well, I know some Spanish so I tell her nice to meet her and then am on my way out. The bus station is not very nice, I'm in a nasty looking city and this station represents it. I need to get out of the city and onto country roads.

After walking a few miles, my back hurting a little from the heavy backpack behind me I find a place to sit down and rest. I grab a water out of my back pack and chug it. I definitely needed that, now I feel good and refreshed. I politely ask a bystander what city I am in, and I look it up on my map, I feel sort of like Dora... and NO that is not where I learned my Spanish. Ha! I'm currently 40 miles from Arkansas, which isn't bad... I could walk that in a day or two...  but I think I'm going to try my luck with hitchhiking out of here.

 Trucks and cars whiz by on the freeway, it seems no one sees me, I am just a nobody to them. Why shouldn't it be that way? Who am I to burden them with my presence in a long car ride to wherever they please. But not everybody thinks like me. A few miles walking down the road and I have attracted a car to the side of the road. A couple of teenagers are now blankly staring at me, and engage in questioning mode.

"Where ya headed to old man?" the driver asked, hat on backwards. His passenger is now looking out the window and finding humor in the cars passing by. He is probably high, this car ride... I could enjoy. 

"West. You don't happen to be driving all the way to the coast do you?" I kiddingly asked with hope for an acceptance into the car.

Driver looked to his passenger and they both nodded. And then laughed for half a minute and invited me into the car, "No... not Cali or anything like that... just going for a little drive. Tag along man. Name?" I am not too sure whether to give them my alias or keep little meet and greets like that real. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2013 ⏰

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