Inevitable Desires

Start from the beginning

“Well, I want to finish that sculpture and I need to do some shopping for my next project, what are yours?” she said having the last of her croissant.

“Well, I’m planning on taking a quick helicopter ride to Bangladesh and then I’ll probably fight a few evil robot unicorns and marry Clark Kent! What do you think I’m doing?” I said sarcastically.

School was fun… occasionally when we did something exciting in dance class or something new in music.

“You know, I let you go to that performing arts school so that you wouldn’t get bored, but that did not work so well,” she was washing a few dishes and putting them away.

I smiled.

“I’m not bored, it’s just I wish we had better choreography and that Ms. Pell would be replaced by someone who can actually play an instrument.”

She just smiled and silence fell upon us, well apart from the soft jazz music emitting from the small radio on the counter. After I handed my plate back to her she told me she might not be home when I get here, I just shrugged and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“I made a fresh batch of chocolate croissants last night grab some for lunch, yes?”

“You know me too well, thankyou,” I said as my cell phone vibrated in my pocket.

I slide it open to read the text from my best friend, Tyler.

‘At sub station, where are you? Xx’

I glanced at the clock and cursed, it was 7:15 already!

“Au revoir! Je t’aime,” I yelled over my shoulder and I ran from the apartment.

I jogged down the busy and crowed streets, I could hear car horns and smell the fumes from them but I could also smell the strong sent of Flower City and then further down the road I could see Louis the hot dog man by the entrance of the sub station. I gave him a hurried wave and threw the change for the usual on his stand while grabbing my hot dog with the lot. Louis was a great dude always asking me how I was and his two-year-old son was just the cutest! I was panting by the time I reached Tyler on platform 2.

“I realize you like having long showers but Mrs. Lilford’s going to skin us alive,” he said grabbing my hand and jumping onto the sub just before the doors closed.

 “Hey, by the way.”

“Bonjour my short tempered little friend,” I said putting on a French accent like my aunts. I could speak fluent French but I definitely did not have the accent.  Tyler really wasn’t short tempered; he was probably the most carefree easygoing person on the planet and rarely got angry.

“Short tempered? Ha ha ha, hilarious! We’ll see what excuse you use to get out of trouble this time. I don’t think the ninja attack quite convinced her last time,” he said lifting his feet to rest on my legs.

I looked down at his shoes sneakers and then up into his hazel eyes. Tyler was actually quite attractive, tall, shaggy blonde hair, nice build but he was only a friend, my best friend actually. I could tell him anything without it being awkward. I trusted him with my life. We’d been friends since first day of freshman year. He’d accidentally dumped his lunch on me and was surprised when I didn’t have a huge tantrum about it like other girls would. He helped me clean up and promised he’d make up for it with lifetime servitude. I wasn’t going to say no to that.

“Hey! Those pigeons may as well have been ninjas! They were pecking at my hair!” I joked, laughing at his face.

“Pigeon’s? I think you mean Pigeon, there was only one. How are you?” this is what I liked about Tyler, we never ran out of things to say and even if we did we’d talk about something completely random, like marshmallows or something.

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