“Try these, they’re already cooled,” he offered.

Sera nodded her head slowly and she reached for it. She brought it up to her nose, sniffing it once before taking a bite from it. Her eyes widened as the sweet cinnamon taste filled her mouth.

 "Wow… these are good!"

Derek chuckled as he wiped his hands. "Well that's good to know. I never got a chance to make them before since I never had the ingredients," he explained as Sera took another one.

"Well you need to search more, these are amazing." she remarked.

Derek smiled at that, "Thanks. Now let's eat. I have to open the clinic in a bit."

Sera nodded her head as she sat down across from him and they began.


Soon breakfast was done and everything was cleaned. Sera now sat on a stool towards the front of the building where the clinic was, while Derek was sitting at his desk, writing something.

The building was set up so the front half of the store was the clinic where patients came in to get medicine or initially check in, and then a hall on the left side, which lead to the examination rooms, where they were treated. The back half was the actual house part, which lead to the upstairs with a couple bedrooms.

Patients had been coming and going. Most of them sick because of the weather. It was winter now, so many were preparing by getting medicine ahead of time, or just because they were sick. Now they had a little break and so Sera was sitting there while Derek was doing some paperwork.

Sera sighed as she swung her feet, staring out the window at the blankets of clouds hovering over them. "It looks like it's going to snow," she remarked.

Derek paused and looked out as well, "So it does... it would be nice to get some don't you think?”

Sera nodded her head and then shivered, "But first we need more heat in this place." She said as she jumped off of the stool and headed to the fireplace, throwing in more wood. She shifted the wood a bit and then saw the flame rise. Sera instantly backed away, not wanting to be near the flame any longer. Though it may had been years, she stilled feared the fire and preferred to stay back.

“If you want, I have a sweater in the back you can wear,” Derek offered not looking up from his paperwork.

Sera just watched the fire for a bit more and then stood up,"This should be fine." she smiled.

Derek just smirked as he did work. He glanced out the window and smiled, "Hey look, it's snowing."

Sera's eyes widened as she turned around to look. "It is!" She cheered and then looked at Derek. "Looks like your wish came true.”

Derek chuckled, “So it seems.”

Sera turned back to the window, “Let’s go outside!” she said excitedly.

Derek nodded, "Alright, we'll go after this," he said, but Sera shook his head walking over and grabbed his hand.

"You can do that later, now come on. Please?" she asked, giving him an innocent, begging look.

Ever since she was a hatchling, Sera loved the snow. Even during her time living on the streets, Sera enjoyed it. It was what made her smile. When Derek discovered that, he would always take her out on walks during the winter and that was what brought the two close.

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