Winner in Pink. (1)

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"It was Chester who announced the list. He read out the Prom Kings names, Duke Adel, co-captain of the basketball team being the first called out, Followed by Ethan Woolron, co-captain of the football team and finally Lewis Ceales, captain of the lacrosse team.

My heart was racing as he began calling the Prom Queen's names, first was Ivy Grey, I glanced at her, she turned to look at me grinning then she stops abruptly avoiding my eyes, Gabrilla Daez my best friend since I was young was called next, she turned to me with shinning eyes but I couldn't return her grin till I heard my name being called, when it was finally called out, I was soaring." - Adeline Stone.



FRANKLY AFTER DUKE Adel left me, I hadn't expected to still be nominated for Prom Queen. It still was suffice to say, a pleasant surprise. I grinned turning to look at Adeline Stone, then I recalled what Adeline had done. With the memory still fresh, I turned back to my desk, the fresh betrayal heavy on my mind.

Unfortunately, Adeline had caught the grin I had sent her. She frowned at her own table beside mine. She didn't frown for long, several students leaned over to congratulate her, voices happy and excited. If there was anyone made to be prom queeen, it was definitely Adeline Stone.

The class continued after the announcements for Prom Queen was made. I tried not to glance at Adeline, the betrayal had happened a fortnight ago and it was still too early to make amends with Adeline. I caught her playing with her brown coloured hair, before she turned behind her chair to glance at Duke Adel.

My heart beat raced slightly because it was Duke. I didn't have to turn around to know how handsome he was. After moving here when I was fourteen, with my braces taken off and wearing contacts, I was pleasantly surprised to become fast friends with the popular Adeline Stone. You could ask anyone in Brington Secondary School, and they would all definitely know Adeline.

Adeline isn't drop dead gorgeous, but she's pretty. Topped off with a willowy figure and mixed blood, some would call her stunning. It was flattering for a girl whom everyone longed to befriend had chosen me alongside her childhood best friend Gabrilla Daez. We effortlessly clicked.

My luck in befriending Adeline wasn't the only amazing thing that happened when I came to Brington, I caught the eye of Duke Adel. Back then he was only trying out for the basketball team. Eventually at fifteen he asked me out and we'd been dating ever since. Or at least that was till a fortnight ago.

It stung, even now as he sat behind her, I could feel a strong pit of jealousy. I missed him. When class ended, I rushed out. I didn't want to see my ex-boyfriend fawn over Adeline. The perfect match. Basketball co-captain and the most popular girl in school. Absolutely perfect.

If I had watched Adeline and Duke, I'd have seen the signs, how we rarely had PDA around Adeline and Gabby, how Duke began tutoring Adeline in Mathematics or perhaps the time when Adeline offered to follow me to watch Duke's basketball game a month ago. Adeline would rather go to a football game rather than a basketball game. She felt like the hype in basketball wasn't as fun. I had been blind, oblivious to what was happening in front of me all along.

"Where are you rushing off too?" a familiar voice called out. It was as familiar the words to my favourite song. I turned around. The hints of a smile curling up on my face.


He grinned closing the locker and hugging me, "I thought you'd look happier being nominated," Ethan commented. As people were exiting their classes.

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