Chapter Twelve- Broken Past and Break Ups

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There were times, like now, I didn't want to be left alone. However, everyone was at work or school, while I was left to clean the house. Talking to Tia about Rosa and Logan, made me think about how Armani and I were treated as children.

"Why do I have to think him?" I asked myself. After all Armani had loved our parents, thinking they were just giving him 'tough love'. He would get upset, when I had tried to tell him otherwise. I tried to keep him away from the monsters he called 'Mum' and 'Dad'.

Mum and Dad hated the two us, while they loved our older brother. However, our grandparents would give them money to help raise us. But no, instead they would buy things for themselves. I've always thought it was wrong, that they would buy fancy cars and nice clothes, but leaving me and Armani with nothing but the bare necessities to live.

"Why did he have to do it?" I asked myself. I never understood why he had to kill Armani. Dad was one of the reason I've never trusted males. However, I only found out about it around two years ago, when Karley had left.

I was the one who found him, after he'd been missing for a week, lying down on the bed of the creek. It looked like he was taking a nap, until you got closer. He had a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead and it looked like he was tortured.

Somehow, I knew it wasn't safe at home. So I ran away that night, at only fourteen. With some of Mum's fake Id and that's when I started to have multiple partners, just so I could eat that night. Neither had put in a missing person report, so when I was fifteen I had meet Chace. Having his children in March the following year.

"Poor little brother, life stolen so soon," I whispered while wishing the dishes from breakfast. The house was clean, but I need a distraction. "Eyes missing and a gunshot to the head. Twelve years old when his life was stolen. Find sleeping near the creek. The animals would've been nicer. Pale skin painted red and black. Little brother you never stood a chance. May your killer forever rest in the bits of hell, where he'll be burnt by eternal flame."


"Mum, let go of me," I said while trying to get to my brother. He was curled up in a ball, while Dad kicked and screamed at him. A grin on his face. Mum was holding my left arm and hair. I could only curse having long hair, but Mum told me she would kill me if I cut it. "Dad, stop hitting Armani, he didn't do anything."

"Shut up, you little whore," she said while pulling my hair. Tears going down my checks as Armani screamed in pain. "Why can't either of you be more like your brother? At least he's getting somewhere in life. At school, while you two just sit at home and do nothing."

"Sweetie, we need to go. Can't be late meeting my parents," Dad said as he kicked Armani one last time, before walking out of the kitchen.

"You two better clean this mess," Mum shouted at us before letting go of my hair, letting fall onto the kitchen floor, before she also left.


Tears went down my checks as I looked at the box in front of me. Mum and Dad had took pictures, so our grandparents could see what we looked like, without having to visit. When I had ran away, I had taken little with me and everyone in my family wanted nothing to do with me. I might as well me dead.

I had a few photos of me and Armani. Fewer with my older brother, Miles, since we had never gotten along with a ten year gap between us. Armani and Logan almost looked the same, with messy red hair and tannish skin. I could only thank the heavens, for the fact that they would only ever look alike, that they wouldn't share the same fate.

There were a few photos of the twins before they were five, but Karley had taken heaps after we had gotten together, the same with Naomi and Brielle. Karley had also given me photo books to put them in. The first sixteen years of my life, it took around four photo books that could hold three hundred, but three for the twin's first five years of life. Now I've lost count of how many there were, filled with photos after they were kidnapped.

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