Chapter Six- Elena Adams and Averi Fox

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"Mum can I go to Elena's house?" I asked standing outside Mum's bedroom. She was getting ready for the day, I don't know why, she barely left the house. It might be cleaning day, but really I think that's the only thing Mum does, that and sleep. "Since Rosa has gone to Avery's."

"You can go," Mum said. She walked out of her room and kissed my forehead. I loved Mum, but I wish she had a hobby, something to keep her mind off things. Guess that's the reason Mother keeps buying TV series, just so she has something to do. "Make sure your back by seven."

"Don't worry Mum, I'll make sure to be back by then," I told her while making sure my phone was in pocket. It calmed Mum down knowing she had a way to contact us, so Mother didn't mind getting Rosa and I the latest IPhone. "And don't worry I have my phone. If I lose track of time, I'll call Mother to see if she can pick me up."

"Don't lose it."

"I won't."

"Be careful," she said. I pulled her into a hug, she's been like this very since she almost lost us ten years ago, she still fears that Chace will come back and try to kill us again. "Don't talk to strangers and don't walk home in the dark."

"Bye Mum," I said while she just smiled and went to the kitchen. When I walked into the hallway I saw that Mother was at the DVD rack. "See ya, Mother."

"Have fun at Elena's," she said while I ran out the door. Tonight was movie night wasn't it? That meant I really had to be home before seven. "And be back for movie night. I know Savannah wouldn't have reminded you."

"I'll be back!"

"Hey, Elena," I said waving to my girlfriend. I always thought she was beautiful and I was glad that she would put up with a weirdo like me. "Mum let me come over, so what are you doing?"

"Wedding the garden," she said moving her golden locks out her face and back behind her ear. Before showing me the weed in her hand. "Why don't you help? Since Mum and Dad will try to make you help anyway."

"Let me think about it..."

"I'll give you half of what they're paying me," she said putting her hands under chin, only succeeding in getting dirt onto her tanned skin from her grey gloves. "Just help me, please. My backs starting to kill me and I've been doing this for an hour."

"Paid half, huh," I said while walking to her, she smiled at me while I just pulled a weed away from one of her favourite flowers. "Of course Ma'am, can't leave a lady to get her hands dirt, now can I?"

"Logan your silly," Elena said before pulling another weed out of the ground. She looked at me with a challenging stare. "The one who pulls the most weeds wins and can decide on the next date!" 

"Can't believe we finished," Elena said while pulling on of her families camping chair from the shed, I had already set up the one for her to sit on and she was getting one for me. "Who won anyway?"

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