Chapter 1: Unseen

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I'm invisible.

No, really. No one notices me. Maybe I'm too quiet. Someone had to be quiet in this house, I mean the decibel levels were usually enough to shake the walls. I'm pretty sure there were just too many people living here. Maybe things would be better in the new place. We were moving to a different part of Charleston, where we'd had a house built. Actually my dad and his buddies built most of it. Mom promised we could each have our own room. Now don't get me wrong, I adore Katerina and Sasha, like a good sister should, but I was honestly sick of sharing a bedroom with them.

Of course a new house meant a new school. My twin brother, Wesley, and my little sister, Sasha, were thrilled because the new school had a lot more specialized advanced classes than our old school. Micah and Isaiah were annoyed because they hadn't been able to go out for the football team, although their dad had pulled some strings and gotten the coach to allow them to practice with the team as their try out. They had two weeks to prove they deserved a spot. Katerina had just glared at mom for a week then accepted it. Galen was the only one truly miffed off about it. He kept muttering about leaving his friends behind. I couldn't care less which school I was at, I was invisible, remember? It didn't change at school. The new school wouldn't be any different than the old one. No one would notice me, not when my three identical brothers, all blue eyed and blonde haired all-American boys, and my two exotic looking sisters would be starting with me next week.

Now do you understand my issue? My older twin brothers and my own twin looked exactly alike, and just like their dads. All five of them incredibly handsome and fit and heads turned when they went anywhere together. I was the female version, which wasn't nearly as attractive believe me. You would think that being the only girl that looked like them would automatically mean people notice me, but really if you see 5 identical, handsome men would you notice anyone else? Yeah me neither. If Katerina and Sasha were with us it was worse. Katerina had the benefit of Russian blood with dark brown-black hair and deep brown eyes. She also had the 'piss on life' attitude of her dad. Sasha, again, had the benefit of exotic blood. From her dad she got a permanent tan and black hair. From mom she got light brown eyes and an ability to remove things with no one seeing. The youngest, Galen, was no better. He'd gotten his dad's heterochromia eye color and people always stared. Let's face it, it's not every day you see a kid with one green eye and one brown eye.

The door to the bedroom cracked open, interrupting my musings. Galen peered around the door, "Mom wants everyone in the living room for a family meeting." The words barely left his mouth before he was slamming the door again. I cringed at the sound. Rolling off the bed I made my way to where everyone had gathered, in our box filled living room. We were supposed to start moving today. The first thing I saw was Uncle Raven and mom kissing. Ew. Get a room. I glanced to where my siblings were lounging on the floor and shared an exasperated look with Sasha.

Okay, maybe I should explain something. My family was a bit weird. Not in the usual, cutesy, little bit crazy kind of way but rather in the your eyes would bug out of your head kind of way. See, around twenty years ago my mom got caught lifting wallets at the mall by a team of six unusual guys. The guys were members of the academy, and no I don't know what that is beyond the fact that they were part of it. Mom was trying to support herself, her brother and her alcoholic father. The guys needed a thief for a job,so mom helped out in exchange for their help. They had a lot crap happen and through it all helped and supported each other. Mom knew she was attracted to 5 of them and she didn't want to hurt them so she kept trying to walk away. But they kept coming after her. Turned out they had all fallen for her. Eventually, they all agreed to be with her and she with all of them. It wasn't easy of course, there were fights and all kinds of crap first but here we are. Twenty years later, one big, happy, loud, dysfunctional family.

Your eyes are bugging now right? Wait, that's not all.

See, when they decided to have kids mom told them she was only doing one kid per husband (not legal husband of course). Apparently she didn't think about my dad and his brother. My dad, Corey, and his brother, Brandon, are twins. So, guess what? She got twins from both of them. Micah and Isaiah are Brandon's while Wesley and I are Corey's. Katerina's dad was a Russian named Raven, Sasha's dad was Axel and Galen was Marc's. We all live together and even though I call the others Uncle, they are all my dad.

Have I blown your mind yet?

So, there you go. Everything you need to know about my incredibly strange family.

I felt an elbow in my side and realized I had zoned out again. I glared at the elbow, attached to Micah before realizing he hadn't done it intentionally. He was just shifting around,hadn't even noticed me. This kind of thing happens a lot.

Mom was winding down from whatever speech I had zoned out on, "okay, so everyone has their assignments. The men will get started on the furniture while the girls, Galen and I will get the boxes. Start in the back and work your way forward. Let's get these trucks loaded!" She clapped her hands to signal the end of meeting and everyone moved. Uncle Marc stood and held a hand out to dad to help him up. When dad was on his feet, Uncle Marc kissed him hard before taking his hand and heading toward the back of the house.

Oh, yeah did I forget to mention my dad is bisexual and also in a relationship with my Uncle Marc? That's the last surprise, I swear.
I headed towards the back of the house with the others when I was suddenly crashed into from behind, nearly plowed over really. I looked up to see my mom, shock on her face, hands skimming over me to check for minute injuries.

"Oh my god,Lacey. Are you okay? I didn't even see you, honey." I swatted at her hands.

"Stop, mom. I'm fine. Really." She made a grudgingly accepting noise, mom had a whole array of noises, before walking off. God, mom hadn't even seen me.

See, like I said. I'm invisible.

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