Achille drifted to the side, his eyes on both of us. Achilles would be reffing the fight, in case Jason did try anything that wasn't allowed. Like murdering me, that wasn't allowed. Catherine sneered at me but went to the side, folding her arms across her chest. I smiled, a plan forming in my head, one that will piss Catherine off.

"Achilles, I'm going to do something that you aren't going to be happy about. Just to piss Catherine off, but don't worry, if you're a good have a present later." I mind-linked him.

Achilles' eyes widened, a smirk appearing on his face. "You're going to kiss him, aren't you?"

"Yes, get the puke bucket ready though."

"You're so mean, but that's why I love you."

"I love you too."

Achilles quickly started the fight, Jason and I started to circle each other. Unlike Jason, I know his weaknesses. He can't fight as well on his left side, he will stumble whenever he starts to get nervous or frightened, and he never goes for anyone's leg. Of course those weaknesses could have changed, but there's nothing stopping me from using them against him.

Without warning Jason lunged at me, shifting mid-air. He's an idiot for shifting so early; I easily side-stepped him. He slammed onto the ground, rolling until his back hit a tree. I could hear snickers from the pack, but I focused my full attention on Jason. He got up and went after me again, but I grabbed him by his throat. He snarled as I slammed his body onto the ground, smirking when he yelped. I then patrially shifted and clawed his face, making sure I blinded him in his left eye.

He howled in pain, but continued to get up and fight. We fought for a while, him trying to get me but me dodging him. He was now a bloody mess as he stood there, panting, but not giving up. I did admire his stamina and determination, however, that isn't going to get him to win this fight. I then shifted as he lunged at me again, twisting my whole body underneath of him. He landed on his feet, but I was quick and knocked him down. He growled, baring his teeth at me, his ears flattened against his head.

His rust colored wolf was covered in a dark crimson color, soaking his fur. I knew he was getting tired, but I also knew that adrenaline was keeping him going. My own adrenaline was coursing through my veins, making my wolf and I hyper and dangerous. We circled again, sizing each other up. When he pounced, I dodged and then lunged at him. I grabbed his throat and slammed him down, placing my paw on him. He was growling and snapping at nothing but air, his eyes furious as he tried grabbing me. I was in the difficult spot though, close enough to hold him down, but not close enough for him to get me.

I wanted him to shift and submit, but he refused to. He laid there, catching his breath so I let go. If I allowed him to rest then he would be better his next move. I kept on dodging his attacks, just messing with him. I then started to play on the offensive side and attacked him on his left side. Since he was now blind in that eye it was easier for me, he's already weak on that side as well. He tried dodging my attacks, but I was just too fast for him. I tore at his flesh, my claws digging through his body as I clawed and bit him. He was in pain, limping and bleeding all over the place.

He shifted back, but I knew the fight wasn't over. I shifted back as well, my plan starting to come into action. He tried attacking me, but his twisted ankle slowed him down. I dodged him and then grabbed his face, patrially shifting again and digging my claws into his cheeks. He whimpered, pain flashing in his eyes.

I smiled sweetly, "I'm so sorry, baby..." I then laughed. "I'm just kidding, I'm anything but sorry."

With that, I slammed my lips to his and kissed him. I could hear Catherine's furious growl sound, but I could also hear people holding her back. Once we parted he was dazed, shocked from me actually kissing him. I grinned when I realized none of those sparks were there, our mate-bond was officially broken. I then grabbed his throat and slammed onto the ground, baring my canines.

He looked at me, fear evident in his eyes as he watched me. He swallowed, "I-I submit." he gasped.

I let go of his throat, allowing him to gain some air. My whole pack cheered as Achilles announced that I would remain Alpha. Achilles ran over and pulled me into a hug, kissing my lips.

"You were amazing." he whispered.

I smiled, "I love you."

"Love you too."

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and turned around, Katie gave me a nervous smile. "Congrats." she whispered.

I frowned before smiling, I sighed. "Thank you, Kat."

She grinned at her nickname and hugged me,"I know we can never be friends again, I really screwed up. Could we at least be civil?" she asked, hopeful.

"Yes." I replied with a nod.

She thanked me once more before her mother grabbed her elbow. I felt bad when Katie instinctively flinched away from her mother. Her mother, Jennifer, frowned and then pulled her into a hug. I smiled, seeing Rebecca explaining something to Katie's father.

Achille grinned, "After I heard about your story with Katie...I asked Rebecca to tell her parents. She shouldn't have to live without her family because of something that she can't control. It isn't her fault she has a mental problem. She was born that way." he explained.

I turned, "You're amazing."

He chuckled and kissed me, "Thank you."

"Oh, I was expecting a I love you for saying that, but no I get a thank you."

"No, thank you for beating him and not dying." he whispered, his eyes vulnerable.

I studied him, the obvious concern was written all over his face. I smiled softly, placing my hand on his cheek. "I love you more than anything." I murmured.

He grinned, "I love you too."

We were walking inside when Jason started shouting. We all stopped and looked at him, his eyes wide and furious.

"You are such a little bitch!" he spat at me, his black eyes narrowed. "You think you're such a great Alpha, but you're not! You got yourself a cruel Alpha mate who murders anyone who walks onto his territory, even children! You got your own parents killed because you were too god damn weak to protect them! I wouldn't be shocked if a rogue attacked and killed her as well!"

I frowned, tears pricking my eyes. The whole pack growled at him and Achilles brought me closer to his body. Jason's nostrils flared at he snarled at Achilles' movement. "I wouldn't be one bit surprised if Achilles was cheating on you! He is actually, with Katie!"

"Now you just sound stupid!" Katie snapped. "I've been in the hospital for four months now, I didn't even know Achilles. I actually just found out his name today..."

I smiled softly at her, Rebecca nodded at me to confirm Katie's truth. Achilles glared at Jason, opening his mouth to say something, but I never heard it. I ran inside and down to the basement, knowing Achilles wouldn't think I would be down here. He would be too panicked and angry at Jason for saying what he did to follow my scent. I collapsed onto the ground and cried my heart out, all my pain flowing out of me.

I have no idea how long I've been crying for, but someone's heavy footsteps coming down the stairs snapped me out of it. I looked up with a tear stained face as Achilles stood in front me.

"Guess you found me." I choked out, my voice broken.

He frowned, his eyes worried as he walked over and cradled me to his chest. He kept on kissing me, "I'm not going to let you shut me out, Iris. Sadie told me you've done it before, but not this time. I love you too much to just let go of you like that."

Author's note: Ah, the bastard Jason and the loving mate, Achilles.

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