The Run Aways

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I'm glad you liked the last chapter!! Off we go to see what little rebel Mitch is doing. Oh and a new character in this chapter.


Mitch was stomping along side the stroller muttering baby curses. Both Jerome and Simon stopped watching the toddlers. Mitch saw an opportunity and took it!


Mitch let go of the stroller and moved to in front of Vikk. "Shhhh," he hissed.
The buckle kept slipping through his fingers. He made his chubby baby fingers unbuckle Lachlan, and then he move to Vikk.

Lachlan easily hopped out of the stroller. Both Mitch and Lachlan took a hand of Vikk's each and helped him down. Vikk tottered dangerously for a moment before catching his balance.

Tobi shook Harry to wakefulness. Harry was about to cry when Tobi covered his mouth. Vikk latched on to Lachlan's hand and both stood there waiting for Mitch. Now that Mitch had master the unbuckling, he quickly undid Tobi.

Tobi hopped out and watched with Vikklan as Mitch undid Harry and picked him up. Mitch was holding Harry and Vikklan were holding hands and Tobi was close to Mitch's side when Mitch took off running.

The other 3 were close behind. They ran out the store. Vikk pulled Lachlan to the pet shop when he saw the puppies. Tobi kept running through the mall with Mitch and Harry. At one point Harry was set down and Tobi and Mitch pulled him a long between them.

As the trio ran past the fountain Tobi let go of Harry's hand and went to watch the water. He stuck his baby hands in the water and began to splash around.

Mitch and Harry kept running until they ended up in Hot Topic. Mitch crashed himself into the legs of a teen age girl.

"WADY," yelled Mitch.

The girl picked up the two toddlers and hushed them. "Sweetheart, you need to be quiet."

Mitch climbed up on to the girl's shoulder, "Biggums askeded about you."

The girl settled Harry in her arms who reached up and began to play her necklace. She turned a bit white. "What did you say?"

Mitch grabbed the end of her fish tail braid and giggled, "I tayed you pretty!!"

"Mitch, sweetie, I'm not...." the girl began.



Wow y'all. Two new characters. I hope y'all think them.


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