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"Superman" Farkle uttered with such superiority it was as if he knew he was right. Which he wasn't

Lucas scoffed with bewilderment "Superman?!" He questioned with a loud voice "No way, Batman" he reprimanded while crossing his arms over his chest "Batman is so much better then Superman" he mocked the boy with an absurd look

Farkle rolled his eyes, mocking Lucas pose "Batman can do shit! Meanwhile Superman has super powers" he argued with sureness

"Who needs super powers when you can kick ass in combat and have billions of dollars and super cool gadgets!" Lucas once again defended his favorite superhero, this had been going on for an hour now with no signs of stopping "Batman would SO beat Superman in a fight"

This baffled Farkle, his face twisted into all sorts of different emotions as he gasped with shock "Your screws must be loose Frair" Farkle laughed bitterly as he said the words, they both believed in their super heroes so strongly, it was weird

Lucas opened his mouth as if he was about to fire back while my heels clicked with each step I took, advancing the two "I know how to end this" I openly murmured with a flirtatious tone

They both turned to me with anger on their faces but I could tell they were waiting for what I had to stay. I slowly opened my mouth, holding them in their places for as long as I could "No one cares" I whispered softly, ending with a mischievous smirk

Their faces fell immediately and contorted into annoyance as I slapped both of their backs "Now shut up and walk with me to class" I demanded with an innocent smile

Farkle groaned and twisted around so he was walking to my right, Lucas moving so he was walking to my left "This isn't over" Lucas threatened with a frown

Farkle once again chuckled and glared at his frenemy "It's just begun"

I rolled my eyes and walked further away from them "You two are such losers"

They took a quick glance at each other before running after me "Are not!"


"I swear Riley they won't stop talking about it, it's really annoying" I grumbled while handing her a tissue

She happily took it and sneezed into it, glancing over at me afterwords "I'm sorry, I should be feeling better tomorrow" she tried to reassure me yet with each cough I knew she wasn't coming to school tomorrow

My elbow flew to my thigh landing on it and resting my chin on my hand "It's just so weird ya know? Like it's obvious that Batmans better than superman, like cat women's better than wonder women" I muttered with a slight eye roll and a shake of my head

The second those words left my mouth the room turned cold "Wait, wait hold up. Did you just say that cat better than wonder women?!" Riley questioned with scrunched eyebrows while leaning foreword

I took a small glance at her and could t help but laugh quietly at the sigh "Well, uh, yeah!" I replied with a duh time of voice

"Wait. What??" She yelled loudly and despite her sickness she still jumped out of bed

"Are you saying cat women isn't better than wonder women?" This time it was my turn to question her

"Yeah!" She assured with her hands falling to her sides

"Wo there Riley. I think the sickness might be getting to your head there because for a moment there I thought you were being serious" I commented with a slight bitter laugh

"Oh I can assure you that I'm thinking quite clearly" she defended with crossed arms "How could You even think that anyway?! The super man, super women duo is way better than batman and cat women"

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