"And that's how you sleep with girls" liz says laughing

"You should've ditched Annie. Cartman would have been more fun. You know when they choose the king and queen?"


"Well we heard that they might get pranked! And we think it's cartman and token doing the pranking" kenny smiles but is then pulled away by Annie to dance.

I chuckle and liz grabs my hand pulling me to the dance floor and we dance crazily {before when I said she couldn't dance I meant she couldn't ballroom/slow dance}

Bebes pov

"Have fun darling!" My mum says embarisngly, everyone is watching as my mum kisses my cheek. But thank god I'm not the only one who had there mum bring them.

"Give mummy a kiss poopsykins, and remember not to get a girl preg-"

"Mum!!" Cartman complains.

My mum sighs pulling something out of her purse and handing it to me. It's a red lipstick.

"You'll look better like this." I nod opening the lipstick and using the car window thingy to apply it.

"Thanks mum," I put the lipstick in my purse and she drives away. After cartmans mum drives away we make eye contact and then pull faces.

Okay, now where the hell is my date?!

"Bebe, you look friggin hot!" Some random guy says

"Id have to agree with that" some other random guy says.

"Yeah yeah thanks, now I've gotta find Clyde" I mumble the last part to myself.

I walk into the gym and bump into someone.

"Ugh get out of- oh hey Clyde!" He raises an eyebrow at me then chuckles holding out his arm.

I take it and he walks me towards the punch bowl.

"I hope you don't mind alcohol, kenny spiked it"

Huh, it's makes sense now that I look at all the teens walking around drunkly and grinding against each other.

"I don't care, but where are the teachers?" I ask as he pours me a cup.

"Who cares?" I smile quickly downing my drink. Clyde smirks downing his and we hit the dance floor

Kennys pov

Ugh, Annie's such a whore. She thinks I've got a sexual deasese or some shit. From being poor and apartrently from also sleeping with guys. When i sleep with girls. I've never slept with a guy. I can't say I've never kissed one though.

I really regret agreeing to go with her. She's off somewhere grinding against some guy drunkly.

I should have gone with Eric. Even if we didn't actually end up together it would have been a laugh. I'm sat alone on a chair when Kyle plops down next to me panting slightly.

"Hi" I say "you having fun?"

"Yeah it's alright. Stan's gone to the bathroom, we've been dancing all night"

I huff pulling my knees up to my chest.

"What wrong ken?" He ask putting his arm around me.

"My dates a whore"

"Kenny, your a whore"

"I know, but she thinks I have aids or something! Because I sleep with guys!"

"Well you do."

"What?! No I-"

"We've shared a bed before, you've slept with me." I roll my eyes at kyles stupid joke

"Seriously ky?"

"Shut up, come dance with me!" He says standing up and grabbing my hand

"Isn't that the lyrics from a song?" I say as he pulls me to the dance floor.

I really hope as low song doesn't come on, that would be awkward.

"And you've got my date," I hear Stan say jokingly from behind me. I smile turning around

"He made the move on me" Stan raises an eyebrow at Kyle.


"Now everyone listen up! Mkay!" Very slowly everything goes silent.

"It's time for the king and queen!"

"It's gonna be Lisa and you stan." Kyle whispers

"Isn't it always?" I whisper back

Stan scoffs "not this year, I wasn't even nominated"

"Mkay! Our queen is Wendy Testaburger!"

Seriously? I thought for sure it would be Lisa. I look towards the stage to see Eric and Token holding a rope each.

"And our king no wait, we have two queens! Our second queen is, Lisa Burger!"

Oh my god! Cartman changed the votes!

"What?" Stan whispers confused. There is no way there would be two queens!

"I think Eric changed the votes" I whisper to them

"Why would he-"

Kyle interrupted by cartmans voice.


Token and Cartman let go of the ropes and dildos, condoms and plastic babies fall from the stage. They both scream and everyone laughs.


"Oh god! thanks ladies and gentlemen! Have a great night!" Token shouts jump down and running off grabbing Clyde's arm in the process and dragging him out of the school gym.

"You jacked my date!!" Bebe shouts

"He was originally my date anyway!" Token shouts and then he's gone.

"My mum was right" bebe pouts. But thankfully Rebecca and liz grab her and they all dance togther.

"Oh shit!! You'll have to try harder old man!" Cartman shouts at mr Mackey. But when mr Mackey catches him I quickly grab a cup of punch and run towards him throwing it in his face so cartmans free.

Stan's pov

Kyle laughs as kenny and cartman run out of the gym mr Mackey on their trail.

A few minutes after a slow song comes on. And I grab kyles hand.

"Oh hell no!"

I pout "why ky?"

"Cause I cant slow dance! I have no rhythm!"

I laugh pulling Kyle in for a kiss with his tie. When we break apart I look him in the eyes.

"I love you, so get your fine ass off that chair and out there with me so we can slow dance"

"Fine ass! That's nice Stan" bebe says drinking some more punch and then grabbing a random boys hand, I think it was Kevin, and slow dancing with him.

"Fiiine," he groans as I take him to the dance floor.

I place my hands on his waist and he wraps his arms around my neck. We away slowly to the music and he pulls me closer leaning his head on my shoulder. I smile tightening my grip on waist.

"I love you too" he whispers.



Remember when bebe felt like ruining there moment in the bedroom? That picture is how I imagine they were making out.. HOT

A long ass chapter!

Hope you enjoyed! Tell me if you got some feels


Learning To Love Him (COMPLETED) (stanxkyle) {continuation to let me love you}Where stories live. Discover now