Chapter 22 - A day to remember (Ash/Serena)

Start from the beginning

"Hey Ash, Serena" Cilan nodded. I gave him our regular handshake and propped myself against the wall beside him. Serena smiled and waved before being dragged into the other room with the girls.

"Guess you can never seperate best friends, can you?" I looked around for a moment, noticing Clemont wasn't around.

"Hey where's Clemont? I thought he would be here?"

Drew looked up from his phone "Oh, he is at the science fair, some sort of secret project"

"Science is boring, I am glad summer started already" Gary said, having a relieved look on his face.

"That's because you don't have any more homework that you wouldn't do, am I right?" Cilan said and Gary grinned.

"Of course not" He lied.

We all laughed at Gary for a moment.

"So, Ash, what are your plans for your first summer in Vaniville?" Kenny asked this question.

"Well, with Serena going to the UK for a month, I don't have any plans anymore" I shrugged. Now that it was brought up, I wanted spend as much time as possible with Serena, but it would be cut short to only a few weeks.

"Well, why not join us on holiday? My dad recently got a lot of money so he can pay any expenses. He told me the more the merrier. Everyone else is coming" Kenny smiled and I smiled at his offer. A wonderful idea.

"Sure, sounds great! I'll make sure to persuade my mom some time next week" Well, I had plans now. Calem sat in the corner, he looked half pleased and half upset.

"It's a shame you're going to the UK too Calem, you could've come along with us" Gary said, but Calem shrugged.

"I'll live, after all, I have Serena with me" I wasn't sure if there was a deeper meaning behind his words, but it was best not to ruin a good day.

Serena walked in after a few hours and suggested we go grab some dinner. I left with her after saying goodbye. It was quite late at night and I wanted to change things up.

"Why don't we get some pizza or something and sit outside?" I suggested. The food didn't seem romantic but I wanted to look at the night sky with Serena, something we hadn't done.

She liked my suggestion, so we got a pizza to share and sat on a big hill. The streets we could had lights on everywhere. The sky was becoming a pitch black by now, and the moon shone brightly, surrounded by twinkling stars. A shooting star zoomed across the night sky.

"Quick make a wish!" Serena said, closing her eyes"

I smiled and pulled Serena close to me. I swear she fit percectly under my arm, and I couldn't have felt any more happier "My wish came true 9 months ago" Serena blushed slightly, she knew what I meant. We watched the night sky for what seemed like forever. After a while, Serena got up. Well I guess we better head back, we don't want anyone worrying" I nodded, she did have to leave really early in the morning.

"Let's go then" I grabbed her hand and we walked down the street and back home.

Once we got outside her house I held both of her hands, we looked at eachother in the eyes, time felt like it had frozen as we leaned in for a kiss. We began making out, and was interrupted by someone opening Serena's door.

"Ahem!" Serena's mom opened the door and I jumped up, surprised. Scratching my head nervously, I turned to go home.

"See you in the morning, Serena"

"You too, love you" Serena replied, as I walked into my house.

"Hey mom I am home" I hung my cap and jacket up on the hangers, before walking into the living room. My mom was watching a programme and smiled when she saw me.

"How was your day Ash, have a good time?" I jumped onto the sofa opposite and began watching TV too.

"Yeah, I had loads of fun!" It was a great day.

I sat with my mom and watched TV for five minutes, before heading to bed. I had to make sure I was up by 5am to see Serena before she left. I also had to persuade my mum to let me go on holiday for a week. It was very late so I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep in my clothes.

I woke up at 4am, unable to sleep. I turned my phone on and text Serena.

'Hey, are you up yet? x'

I looked up at the ceiling for about ten minutes before I got a reply.

'I am now, you want to come over?'

I replied instantly with 'yes' and headed over to her house as quietly as I could. I knocked on her door she opened it.

She looked really tired and was already dressed. She had several bags by the stairs, ready to go.

I walked in and scratched my messy head. I had rushed over so fast I didn't have my cap or jacket on. Guess thats 4 hours of sleep for you.

"You ready to go?" Her mom Grace walked in with her car keys in hand. She knew I was coming too and smiled when she saw me.

"Good morning Ash" She said brightly. How could anyone have energy at 4am?

"Good morning Grace, I see everything is ready. I'll grab some bags for you" I moved over and grabbed the two heaviest bags. They weighed more than anything I had picked up, but I managed.

"Such a gentleman, you have good taste Serena" Grace teased and Serena blushed.

"MOM! Stop it you're embarrassing me!" She said, with a face redder than her skirt. I laughed for a moment. Seemed like Grace liked to mess Serena around. I took the bags and put them in the boot, before shutting it. I opened the car door for Serena and sat in next to her. Once her mom got in we set off for the airport. Calem was already there, waiting for Serena when we arrived.

"Oh hey guys, you ready Serena?" Calem said and she nodded. I knew she didn't want to go, but she had to.

After about 15 minutes of random conversation the speakers beeped.

"Plane 12 bound for London, England will be taking off in 5 minutes. Any passengers head to terminal 2 and have your tickets ready, thank you"

"Well, looks like this is where we part ways, be good Serena" Grace said. I wasn't sure if she was crying a she hugged Serena.

I took Calems hand in a firm shake and pulled him to me.

"Don't think I haven't forgot about what you have done. Make sure she is safe. Oh and if you try anything, your friendship with her will be the least of your worries" I let go of the hand shake and stepped back as he nodded in silence

I stepped infront of Serena and smiled at her, wiping the tears forming in her eyes.

"Listen, don't cry Serena. You wont even notice we are gone, it will be over before you know it" I kissed her head and pulled her close to me.

"Don't forget that I love you" I whispered into her ear.


I looked back into Ash's eyes as we boarded the plane.

"Don't forget that I love you' the words rang in my head.

"Lets have as much fun as possible, after all time flies when you're having fun right?" Calem said excitedly and I nodded. I had to be positive throughout the four weeks in order to keep Ash and my mom happy.

"Don't forget that I love you"

Oh, Ash. I will never forget. I will love you forever and always.

Vaniville High - First Year (An Amourshipping Fanfiction) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now