I sighed in relief, giving him a playful glare as I took my bikini. I scurried to the bathroom and took off my dress and high heels. I was excited to go swimming, I haven't gone swimming in a very long time. I'm not counting that fall into the river a nice swim. I threw on the bikini top, frowning when I noticed it was a push-up bikini. I didn't exactly have small breasts, they're a little on the big side and of course Sadie just has to put this bikini in there. I was already dreading the bottoms, they're pretty close to a thong bikini. It was Sadie's idea of making Jason jealous, but I never really went through with it.

I swallowed, nervous at how Achilles will think of me. I don't usually wear stuff like this, sure I don't have a single one piece bathing suit, but my other bikinis were the typical bikini. I admit, they did have a little push up in them, but not as much as this one. I bit my lip and shyly walked out of the bathroom, my hands shaking. I clasped them together and continued walking to the back deck, knowing Achilles was already out there.

I walked out to see him wearing a pair of black bathing suit shorts and no shirt. The sight of his toned back filled me with a little bit of lust, the nice tattoo didn't help much. I've always been attracted to guys with tattoos, which did make me fall for Jason. He had a tattoo on his upper arm, but the mate-bond helped with most of the attraction. He spun around, his eyes immediately turning black with lust.

"You look amazing." he breathed out, as if I took his breath away.

He walked over and placed his hands on my waist before placing his lips on mine. We made out for a few seconds then he swooped me into his arms. I furrowed my eyebrows and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He smirked but tried hiding it, "Nothing, just walking you down to the lake. Didn't think you would want to walk down all these steps so I decided to be a gentleman." he explained.

I narrowed my eyes, "You're going to do something."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are. I know you."

"Oh, relax! I'm joke free, I swear!"

"Remember when I said you remind me of Thor?"


"You don't, you now remind me of the Joker. Except you're not as insane...or are you?"

He let out a deep chuckle, "I can assure you I'm not as insane as the Joker. I am full of jokes and tricks though, but almost every guy is. I know many girls who are full of jokes as well...or sarcasm, like you."

I smiled, "I know."

That smile quickly faded as a full blown smirk was plastered on his face and he started running. My eyes widened, snapping my eyes over to the lake. He was going to jump in...with me in his arms. Shit. I dug my nails into his skin as he launched us off of the deck that was built over the lake and into the water.

He let go of me and I quickly swam to the surface, spluttering out water and glaring at him. He was laughing of course, so I did what any angry girlfriend or mate would do. I jumped on him and dunked him, my own laughter sounding. He then pushed me off and back into the water before swimming to the surface, we both laughed as we played fight in the water. I splashed water in his face before swimming further out, laughing at his face.

He grinned and swam after me, damn he's a fast swimmer. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, kissing my forehead.

"You're amazing, you know that, right?" he whispered, looking at me.

I smiled softly, placing my hand on his cheek. He leaned into my hand as he watched me, his eyes showing nothing but awe and love. I knew my eyes were showing the same as I continued to fall for him. I then placed my lips on his, making out for a few moments.

Achilles (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now