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Oh my god, I know I haven't updated in like FOR EVER. But I've been really busy lately, I promise ill get some imagines up soon, please don't kill me yet.
I can't believe I already have 3.7k reads, like oh my god, I wasn't expecting you aliens (what I'm gunna call my peoples aka you, from now on) to even read my book and like it at that. I know it doesn't even come close to some, but its a lot for me, I really wanna be an author and you reading my books and liking them, that gives me the hope to pursue and accomplish my dream. Writing makes me so happy, like you guys have no idea, I'm working on some new ones, that are gunna be ACTUAL books, not just fanfics, obviously I'll still write fanfics but I'm gonna concentrate on my real books. So I have some titles like: The Return of Her Painful Memories
Quest To The Land Of Discontent
Quest To The Land Of Nightmares
Quest To The Land Of Dreams
(QTTLON and QTTLOD are gonna be a 1st and 2nd book)
Our Summer (TC ff)
Piece by Piece (TC & ME ff)(she falls in love with both of them and is forced to chose who she wants to be with)
Always (SM ff)

Anyways that's all for right now, I love you my aliens <3
~Love Always and Forever Sher
P.s really though, please don't kill me yet, I swear you guys are gonna like my new books

Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagines COMPLETED BOOK 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang