Just because

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Not an update sorry :/

I hate how people are always like: "Why do you even self harm? You know if people find out you'll just hate yourself even more"


"Hey Sher!! Look at this, I'm gonna cut my wrists! *laughing*"

Honestly I'm tired of people saying that!

Like if you're gonna fucking bully someone because of that, you are so fucking messed up in the head. I'm sorry if you're one of these people and like my book, but I'm just saying, you need help. My friend is getting bullied by people who do that. It makes me want to kill them so badly, and it fucking hurts that i can't do ANYTHING to help. It hurts that I'm watching her suffer, and all i can do is try to cheer her up. Yeah i have those problems myself, but when its your best friend you just want to scream and punch someone. I want to beat the living shit out of all those people, i don't care if i get into huge shit, YOU DONT FUCKING BULLY SOMEONE WITH SUICIDAL PROBLEMS!

"Why don't you go and just cut your wrists some more, yeah?"

"People don't want you here, you should just die, everyone would be happier that way"

"Go away you suicidal freak"

" *coughs* Slut"

"Ew you whore get away from me"

"Just kill yourself already"


Like think about it, what if she ACTUALLY did it? You'd feel like shit. Cause EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU chipped in to kill her, suicide didn't kill her, people did. Her death would be because of you, and you'd be wishing you told her she was beautiful, that she was worth it, that everything would get better, that she wouldn't have to worry about what other people think.

Like stop and think, cuts may make scars, and scars will fade, but words will stick with them forever. Your words will start voices in their head. Your words will stay just under their skin. Words cut deeper than knives and blades, scissors, and anything else really.

My best friend may just be some suicidal freak, that cries and cuts her wrists, to you.

But to me shes a beautiful girl, with an irrepairable heart, and a broken smile. To me shes a girl that can't be fixed. To me she's someone i can't live without.

I love you Morgan <3 Forever and always

~Love Forever and Always Sher <3

P.s, if you guys are going through anything, and need someone to talk to, I'm here, I'm ALWAYS here for you. No matter what. I promise.

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