No. No way. "What did you say?" The Doctor and I said together, apparently startling the girl, possibly Clara. So we ditched the Monks and ran back into the TARDIS, my long skirts dragging along the cold metal floor as he ran around the console.

"Don't shout." She snapped at us. "Now you've made me type it wrong. It's thrown me out again. What do I do? How do I get back in?" Another brief pause. "It's just a thing to remember the password, run you clever couple and remember." We were knocking on the door by this point. "Hang on."

"Hello? Yes, I hear you." She called, while I rang the bell and the Doctor knocked. "Yep. Ah ha." The door opened. "Hello."

"Clara." I smiled, taking his hand tight. I survived when she didn't. It made me feel so guilty. "Clara Oswald."

She smiled at us warily, and I realised that I was dressed in Victorian Mourning clothes, and the Doctor was a Monk. "Hello."

"Clara Oswin Oswald." That was the Doctor, always going the little bit further.

"Just Clara Oswald." Then she narrowed her eyes a little. "What was that middle one?"

"Do you remember us?"

Clara blinked a little. "No. Should I? Who are you? And how is your hair that bright, I've seen it pastel, not sky." Well, that was a long story.

"The Doctor and Lady Sarah." No reaction. "No? The Doctor and Sarah?"

She was really confused now. "Doctor who?"

"No, just the Doctor." He sighed, then smiled a little and it was infectious. "Actually, sorry, could you start all that again?"

"Could I what?"

"Could you just ask me that question again?"

"Doctor who?"

He was really starting to push his luck. "Okay, just once more."

"Doctor who?"

The Doctor grinned, twirling me and making me laugh as he did some weird jig thing. "Ooo, yeah. Ooo. Do you know, I never realised how much I enjoy hearing that said out loud. Thank you."

"Okay." And then she shut the door on us.

"Hey, no, Clara, please. Clara, we need to talk to you. Listen. Please. Please, we just need to speak to you." I looked at the Doctor who was hiding his head from me. "Nice job, Mr Question. Clara!"

There was a pause before her voice came through a speaker next to the door. "Why are you both still here? Why are you here at all? And you seriously look like an ice woman!" Come on, this was getting ridiculous. I had blue hair, big whoop.

"Oi, you phoned us. You were looking for the internet." I pointed out, well aware of how thick my Scottish accent was getting. I just hoped she could understand me.

Which she could, and she was very surprised. "That was you?"

"Of course it was me. Oh, and the Doctor too. Lady Sarah Lake at your service." I mock curtsied, knowing she could see me. Don't ask me how. "Well, I'm not a real Lady, not that we know of."

"How did you get here so fast?"

That was the Doctor's job to explain, coming closer to the little box himself. "We just happened to be in the neighbourhood, on our mobile phone." I pointed back at the TARDIS, waiting at the top of the street.

"When you say mobile phone, why do you point at that blue box, Lady Sarah?" She asked, and I shrugged, resting my head on the Doctors shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me, stopping me from shivering.

Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)Where stories live. Discover now