Chapter ten

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I wake up on the bed around lunch time. And my stomach just let out this growl. I got up and went into the front room. I saw Tobias passed out on the couch. Great, what did he do.

"Get up!" I yelled.

"What?" he asked while sitting up.

"Did you get drunk?" I asked.

"No, I had to carry you home after you fell asleep on my shoulder." he said.

"I don't remember that." I said.

"Well, it did happen. you just don't remember because your going through that stage of pregnancy." he said.

"Oh, you probably hate me for that." I said.

"No I don't. Just some times it does get a little annoying, but I ignore that feeling." he said.

I just started to cry out of nowhere. Great, just what I needed to do. I feel like an old guy. I can't even remember what my name is. 

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked.

"It's noon." he said.

"Oh." I said.

"Let's go on down to the dinning hall." he said.

We then leave the apartment and walk own to the dinning hall. When we get there, I see most of our friends at the table.

"Hi." everyone said at once.

"What's with everyone saying things at once?" I asked.

"I don't know." Marlene said.

"Did you find out your gender?" Chris asked.

"No." I said.

"I did." she said.

"I bet it's a boy." Uriah shouted.

"Actually, it's a girl." Chris said.

I don't ever feel like going to the doctors, so that's why I'm just going to wait until my baby is born. Tobias sat down next to me, and I heard Zeke and Uriah fighting, again. 

"What's new?" Tobias asked.

"Chris is having a girl." I said.

"You know, we should find out the gender of ours." he said.

"I don't want to go see the doctor. They creep me out. I mean, their perverts. They look at all of our body parts that you don't want them to." I said.

"Well, your going to have to deal with that once you give birth." he said.

"Or I could just give birth in the bathtub." I said.

"Or you could just go to the doctors." he said.

"I'm not going to go see some perverts." I said.

"You know, they get paid to do that crap, so shouldn't you blame who pays them?" he asked.

"Fine, I'll go to the perverts. But if I see them peeking, I'm called the police." I said.

We then got up and went over to the pervert palace. Great, now I'm going to have all of these paid Perverts to look at me. Ugh, some times I just really hate Tobias. 

Once we got to the infirmary, we waited for them to call us. 

"I can't believe you made me do this." I said.

"Well, we need to know the gender." he said.

"Yeah, but they are perverts." I said.

"Well, we'll get this over with, and if you want, you can ask them who pays them, and you can go complain." he said.

"Sounds good." I said

After waiting twenty minutes, and almost falling asleep on Tobias's shoulder, they called us in. Great, it's time to be checked out by perverts.

"The Doctor will be in soon." the weird lady said.

"Great, first they are perverts, and second, they make us wait." I said.

"Well, we did just wait to come in." he said.

"We did?" I asked.

"I'm going to ask the doctor when this stage ends." he said.

After a couple of minutes, the perverted doctor came in. And he was old, so that makes him double the pervert.

"Hello, I am doctor Weston. and so you came for the gender right?" he asked.

"right."Tobias said.

"Who pays you?" I asked.

"The leaders here. Why do you ask?" he asked.

"Because you people are perverts. And I'm wasting my money here." I said.

The doctor then rolls his eyes and asks me to lift up my shirt. See what I mean. They want us to undress. So, when I didn't lift up my shirt, Tobias did. 

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Because you need to." he said.

"You people make me sick." I said.

"Sure." he said.

"No, really, I kind of feel a little feverish." I said.

"Okay, once we are done here, we can go complain to the leaders, and then go home." he said.

"Okay." I said.

The pervert doctor then did what he needed to do. Once he was done, we found out that we are going to have a boy. Now if Uriah bets a boy for me, he'll win, but my bets are, he's going to say girl because he is stupid like that.

We walked down to Max's place. Then Tobias knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" Max asked.

"Why do you pay those people in the infirmary, they are total perverts. They just go looking around all all of your body parts. And do you have a trash can I can use?" I asked.

"Right here." he said pointing to one. 

I went and run over to it. I then got sick in it. 

"I think we'll leave now, but keep the perverts in mind." I said.

We then left his apartment, and went back home. I then fell asleep on the bed.


Note: Okay, totally weird chapter. And I like made up baby names a month ago for this story. So, yeah. 

But, I totally just made up the perverted doctor thing. I mean, they do get paid to be a pervert. Don't you think that's a little creepy? 

So now the game we are playing is, will it be the apartment or the perverted doctor's palace for the place of the birth. I'm not sure on that one.

Also another reminder, I will not be updating that often, probably rarely. I mean, I have no idea what to write, and plus, I have to finish writing some of my other stories. And that take a while because I am so lazy to update.-V

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