Chapter eight

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*Four months later*

I could hear Tobias talking to someone while I am trying to sleep, and by the way they are talking loud, it's Zeke or something. 

When did he invite Zeke over? I got up out of the bed and walked into the front room. I saw Tobias and Zeke talking.

"when did you invite him over?" I asked.

"I told you yesterday he was coming." Tobias said.

"You did?" I asked.

"Yes." he said.

"Oh." I said.

"Geez, is she already going though that?" Zeke asked.

"Yep." Tobias said.

I went and sat down on the couch. I kept on listening to Tobias and Zeke's conversation. 

"Yeah, the other day, I found Vegetable oil in the shower. And my Shampoo was at the kitchen sink." Tobias said.

Geez, Why does Tobias want to use Vegetable oil as shampoo? That's like the weirdest thing ever. I got up to go use the bathroom. When I got there, I found A paper that had a picture of a toilet on it, and it said toilet paper. 

I walked out of there to go show Tobias.

"What the heck is this?" he asked.

"Toilet paper." I said.

"It looks like regular paper." he said.

"Just read the picture." I yelled.

"Okay, okay." he said.

He looked at the drawing on the paper. Then he gave me a weird look.

"When are you going to stop doing this?" he asked.

"In five months." Zeke whispered.

"I'm not doing this." I said.

"Really?" Tobias asked.

"Yeah, it's some one else who looks like they ate a whole watermelon." I said.

"Fine." he said.

I did a little victory dance in my head. Wait, what were we just talking about? I'm lost. I grabbed my sweater and headed over to Chris's place. I knocked on the door once I got there. I heard some people talking and yelling in there. 

Then Chris answered the door. 

"Hi." she said.

"Hi, what where you guys doing?" I asked.

"Mr smarty pants is blaming me for putting soap on his toast when it was not me." she said.

"Four also blamed me for something similar to that." I said.

'What was it?" she asked.

"He thinks I put vegetable oil in the shower, when I didn't. I don't even remember doing that." I said.

"Will is the same way." she said.

"I guess all guys have brain problems." I said.

"Well, actually, we don't. It actually your brain's fault, because when you are pregnant, you smart to not remember stuff you did. Like putting soap on toast thinking it's butter. Or the vegetable oil." Will said.

"When did you go to medic school?" Chris asked.

"I work in the infirmary." he said.

"You do?" she asked.

"Yes, we have been over this before." he said.

"I don't remember." She said

"Of course." he said.

Will then walked out of the room. Me and Chris sat on her really large couch. Geez, everything in this apartment is large. I would hate to see how much it costs. 

"So, how is life?" she asked.

"Good, good." I said.

"DO you know the gender of yours yet?" she asked.

"No. Do you know yours?" I asked.

"No." she said.

We then sat there in awkward silence. It was too awkward for me. I got up off of the really large couch and left. I walked back to the apartment because I had nothing better to do. 

When I opened up the door, I saw Zeke passed out on the couch. And Tobias was nowhere in sight. Great, they better not being playing a prank on me. I remember the last time. I ended up hitting Tobias upside the head because he was dressed up as a kidnapper. 

I walked into the bed room and saw Tobias sitting in a chair. He had fake blood him. Now it's my time to shine. Well, actually to prank. 

"Oh where, oh where has my stupid husband gone. Oh, can't be the idiot sitting in this here chair can he? Oh, well, I'll go share my riches with another." I said as I dramatically cried. 

I then heard someone get up. And that someone was the idiot in the chair. 

"You know you can't fool me." I said.

"Whatever." he said.

Great, is he mad all because I caught him trying to pull a prank on me. First rule is that you can fool the pregnant lady, well, unless it is Chris. She's really lost with what she and other people are doing. She kind of acts like a little kid who thinks that ghost are real. 

"Don't be mad that I won." I said.

All I heard was a grunt. I walked into the front room and saw that Zeke was leaving. Thank goodness. He is just annoying sometimes. 

Tobias was sitting on the couch looking defeated. 

"Can't blame me." I said.

He just grunts. 

"Great, not only do I live with an idiot, I live with a cave man. You know you can't fool me." I said.

All I heard was more grunts. If he keeps grunting, I'm sending him to sleep on the couch. Because I do not sleep with cave men. 

"If you keep grunting, I'm going to make you sleep on the couch." I said.

"okay, I'll stop." he said.

"Thank you." I said.

I then walked into the front room, and kind of fell asleep on the couch. 


Note: Yeah, I made up the weird oh where oh where thing. At least this chapter is longer. I actually thing this whole story is most likely going to be shorter then the first one. 

But once this is done, I'll have to do credits, along with a promotion for other stories of mine. And when this is done I have to get back to writing my one story which is taking forever. 

I thought I had all summer to finish all of my stories, but then I kept on lolly gagging. So, at the end of summer, I'll have at least two stories done, maybe one.-V

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