She glanced up at him and felt as if the air had been sucked from her lungs. The look he was giving her was intense. "Kirstie, I think I love you." He spoke with such conviction that it brought tears to her eyes.

She nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. "I love you, too. I really truly do." He wrapped his arm around her tightly and just held her to his side, basking in the moment.

The moment was broken by Kirstie's phone ringing loudly. She groaned and rolled out of Avi's arms and swiped it from the nightstand. She briefly wondered why Mitch was calling so early and answered it. "This better be important."

Instead of the snippy reply she expected, Mitch spoke quickly. "Kirstie, you need to go on Twitter and start doing damage control. Eric has lost it. Scott and I have been deflecting and absorbing for twenty minutes now but we can only do so much. I'll call you again later once we get this under control." The line clicked off, making her feel as if the sound where the sound of a gun firing straight at her.

She knew she shouldn't panic but she just couldn't help it. Kirstie hopped off the bed, not caring that she was giving Avi a total view of her naked body, and grabbed her laptop off of his desk. She snatched Avi's shirt from the floor and threw it on before stomping to the kitchen. Avi was asking her what was wrong but she ignored him, intent on stopping whatever was happening.

She opened her laptop and went straight to Twitter. The second she saw all of the notifications, her stomach knotted even tighter. Avi came in the kitchen, dressed in his sleep clothes, and sat down beside her. His eyes bugged out when he noticed the amount of activity on her profile. "What is going on?"

She turned to look at him with a scowl. "I don't know. Mitch said something about Eric."

Avi's eyes darkened at the mention of her ex-boyfriend. "I still say I should have beat the shit out of him that day." His dislike for her ex-boyfriend would make her giggle normally but it just made her frazzled this time.

She glared at him. "And I still say you shouldn't since I like having a boyfriend that isn't in prison for aggravated assault." Turning back to Twitter, she kept scrolling until she found the first post that Eric had made.

Her eyes widened when she realized what he'd done. Post after post, he'd insinuated that he'd caught her cheating on him with Avi. She didn't even know how to react to what she was reading and just scrolled through the entire argument that he, Scott, and Mitch had been having. Scott and Mitch had been tirelessly defending her making her smile but she saw what Mitch had meant when he said that they could only do so much. She laughed softly when she saw the photo Mitch posted of Eric and the nameless "bleached skank" as Mitch liked to call her. He'd aptly captioned it "Bleached skank in tow".

Suddenly angry at the way he'd painted Avi, not herself, she started typing. She didn't even address anything that Eric had said and just made post after post explaining, in detail, what had actually happened, complete with times and dates. She explained everything as clearly as she could, uncaring that she was dragging Eric through the mud, and did everything in her power to make sure that everyone knew that Avi was innocent in all of what had happened. She even told them that Avi had taken her in when she had nowhere to go, making sure that he couldn't look bad from any angle.

Realizing that Avi had been very quiet she glanced over and winced at the murderous look on his face. He'd clearly been reading the conversation over her shoulder and didn't like what he'd read. At all. He was gripping his coffee mug so tightly that she was sure it was going to shatter any moment. Worried, she lightly put her hand on top of his and worked the mug out of his grip before hugging him. "He's an asshole and we're going to get this straightened out."

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