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Avi woke up to a face full of dark hair. His arm was trapped under Kirstie and it was totally numb but he couldn't bring himself to care. Waking up with her in his arms was worth it. He pressed a soft kiss into her hair and snuggled back down into his spot, relishing the contact. He hadn't had a chance to bring up the fact that they'd have to tell the rest of the band about them to Kirstie. In a way, he didn't want to because he just wanted to enjoy being together. Avi frowned when he realized it would be totally irresponsible to keep it from the rest of the band and resolved to speak to Kirstie about it at some point that day.

He laid there for another twenty minutes, just thinking, until Kirstie started shifting around. He hugged her one more time before she totally woke up and rubbed her shoulder softly. Unexpectedly, Kirstie rolled over and propped herself up on his chest and stared down at him with a smile. Avi smiled at her tired face and rubbed her back lightly. "Morning. Sleep well?"

Kirstie yawned loudly. "Good morning. I slept great." She put her head down onto his chest and breathed him in before picking her head back up. "How long have you been awake? You don't look tired at all." Her gaze had shifted from content to suspicious in the blink of an eye.

Avi gently laughed. "I've been awake for a while now. Someone had me pinned down, though, and I didn't want to wake her up." Kirstie swatted his chest and rolled off of him, which only made him laugh again.

She had moved to lay against her own pillow and was glaring at him. "You could have moved me, you know. Anyways, it was your fault. You pulled me to you as soon as I got in the bed last night."

It was Avi's turn to blush. "I would say I'm sorry, but that would be a lie and I shouldn't lie to my girlfriend." His blush grew twofold and he froze when he realized that he'd just referred to Kirstie as his girlfriend.

Kirstie seemed to be handling it much better, although she seemed a bit flustered. "Girlfriend? Is that what we are? We didn't really talk, at all, about... um... us. I mean, I wouldn't mind if you were my boyfriend."

Avi's heart was thundering in his chest. "I, well, yeah. I want to date you, so I guess it would make sense if you were my girlfriend." For the millionth time, Avi cursed his pale complexion and wished he were darker, like Kirstie. He was sure that he was doing a bang-up impersonation of a tomato by now.

Kirstie leaned forward and pecked his lips. "That's settled then. Glad we got that out of the way." She laid back down at Avi's side and lightly kissed his chest, before snuggling down into her spot. They'd been laying there for a few minutes when the sound of someone knocking on the front door reached the bedroom.

Avi cursed in his head. "I'm gonna need to go see who that is." Kirstie groaned but rolled over so he could get up. When she was out of the way, Avi made his way to the door. Without thinking to check who was there, he opened the door wide only to come face to face with a very curious looking Mitch, dressed immaculately for such an early hour, holding a McDonald's bag with a pensive look on his face.

Without waiting for an invitation to come in, he barged right past Avi and went to the kitchen and made himself at home. Avi felt as if he was suddenly a mouse being chased by a cat. There was no way that Mitch hadn't noticed that Kirstie's car was parked in front of the house and it was only a matter of time before Mitch swooped in for the kill.

Avi entered the kitchen slowly, feeling as though he were going up against a firing squad. "So, what brings you here this morning?" He'd never felt so nervous speaking to Mitch before.

Mitch looked at him with a single raised eyebrow. "You're joking, right?" Waving away Avi's question, he spoke again. "I went to Kirstie's apartment this morning with breakfast. I wanted to get a break from Scott--he's beyond sick. I drugged his ass with some NyQuil this morning and got out of there as fast as I could." Avi's mouth formed an "o" when he realized why Mitch had been at Walgreens so late last night.

Future (Kavi/Scomiche)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя