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Kirstie smiled and pressed herself tighter into Avi's side. They'd been napping off and on all day, content with just laying together. The past few days had been amazing, and if she was being totally honest with herself, they had been some of the best days of her life. She'd never been so happy to just be with someone.

Her phone started vibrating on the end table. She quickly reached over and grabbed it before it would wake Avi and glanced at the screen and felt her heart tighten just a bit when she saw Scott's smiling face. They hadn't told Scott or Kevin yet, although it had been hard. Kevin was Avi's best friend and he'd never really kept anything from him before, while she and Scott were so close that they might as well be siblings. Needless to say, they'd had a hard time keeping something so huge from Scott and Kevin. Thankfully, Kevin would be coming in tonight, so she figured she'd go ahead and invite Scott over tonight so they could finally tell them.

Kirstie expertly untangled herself from Avi's grip and went to the kitchen, took a seat at the table, and dialed Scott's number.

Scott answered cheerfully, although his nose was most definitely stopped up still. "Hey Kirstie! I haven't talked to you in nearly a week, so I thought I'd just call to check in."

She smiled at her always-happy friend. "Hey! Mitch told me you were sick. How do you feel? You sound a little stopped up but other than that, you sound pretty normal."

She heard Scott dramatically sigh. "I feel like a truck hit me but I'm trying to think happy thoughts and stay positive. It's just a cold and it will be gone soon. It has totally overstayed it's welcome."

Kirstie couldn't help it and smirked. "I heard that Mitch has been taking great care of you."

She could feel Scott's glare through the phone. "Hardy-Har. Very funny. If by "Mitch", you mean "NyQuil", then yes. He drugged me a few days ago and totally knocked me out! I mean..."

Kirstie got a bit nervous and tuned out Scott's ranting, worried that she'd tell on herself. He was definitely talking about when Mitch showed up a few days ago, unless Mitch had started drugging Scott regularly.

Kirstie realized Scott had been calling her name and felt her face blush. "I'm sorry, what? I just sort of zoned out."

Scott laughed at her, not one to be offended too easily. "It's fine. How are you? I just realized we've only talked about me. What have you and Eric been up to?"

She felt totally guilty at the mention of her ex-boyfriend. "Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about Eric and I..."

She paused and Scott squealed excitedly. "He asked you to marry him, didn't he?! You better let my ass be the flower girl!"

Kirstie face-palmed. "Um, no. He didn't ask me to marry him. I... You know what, could you come to Avi and Kevin's house tonight at about seven? Esther's coming too. Would you bring Mitch with you? I want to talk to all of you about this, actually."

Scott suddenly seemed subdued. "Is something wrong? It must involve the band if you want to talk to all of us." Kirstie went to interrupt him but he stopped himself. "You know what? I'll be there at seven and you can tell me then, like you said earlier. Do you want us to pick something up before we head over there?"

Kirstie smiled at his thoughtfulness. "No thank you. I actually want to cook for all of you guys tonight. I guess it can be a thank you for being such good friends to me."

Scott awed. "That's so sweet. You know we love you!" She heard mumbling on the other end of the line and then Scott's voice again. "I've got to go. Mitch is trying to drown me with NyQuil again! Talk to you later!" The sound of a struggle came through the phone and it clicked off just as she heard Mitch scream, "Stop struggling!"

She sat her phone down on the table with a laugh and made her way to the refrigerator. The urge to bake hit her, so she set to work on making a pound cake and some Nutella brownies. She was much more careful with the hot oven this time, though.

She went back to the table and sat back down. She still needed to call Esther and tell her to come tonight, although she was a bit apprehensive about telling her to come to Avi and Kevin's house. Esther would immediately wonder why Kirstie was inviting her to someone else's house and would ask questions. In a way, she was nervous about what Esther would think. She'd always gotten along with her just fine but Esther had always been protective of Avi. What if she didn't like them being together? With a sigh, she decided to delegate telling Esther to Avi; she is his sister, after all. He could deal with it.

Kirstie played a couple of games of solitaire on her phone until the timer went off, signifying that the cake and brownies were done. She quickly and carefully removed them from the oven and got them onto the cooling racks she'd managed to find pushed back into the depths of the kitchen cabinets. Avi and Kevin weren't exactly into baking, so she'd been surprised to find any at all.

After making sure that the oven was off and the baked goods were cooling, she padded back to Avi's bedroom. He was still sleeping and had managed to hug a pillow to himself tightly. She felt slightly jealous of the pillow and decided that it had gotten enough of her man and that it was time to replace it with herself.

She crawled into the bed and plucked the pillow out of Avi's arms and quickly slid into it's spot before Avi could notice. His arms immediately tightened around her and his eyes cracked open to stare at her sleepily.

He cleared his throat quietly but his voice was still rough from sleep, sending chills down her spine. "Hey. Where'd you go?"

She leaned her head against his chest and listened to the sound of his heart steadily thump along. "Scott called and I stepped out to call him back. I didn't want to wake you up. I told him to come tonight at seven. You still need to call Esther and tell her to come. She'll ask questions if I tell her to come here."

Avi groaned. "Do I have to? She used to embarrass me every time I introduced her to a girl."

Kirstie laughed quietly, easily imagining Esther telling all sorts of embarrassing stories and Avi trying to melt into the ground to get away from her. She leaned up and kissed him, trying to put him at ease. "It'll be fine. She already knows me so maybe things won't get weird. Anyways, she's probably already told me everything good already."

Avi turned to look at her with wide eyes. "What did she tell you?" He truly seemed worried, which made her start to giggle.

She smirked. "I know all about the time you streaked through a grocery store butt naked when you were five."

He cringed. "Oh, Christ. I was little; I didn't know any better!" He had his eyes closed tightly and was grimacing.

Kirstie started to fully laugh. "I think every child went streaking at some point." She paused for a second, debating on whether she should tell him what she was thinking or not. "If you tell anyone about what I'm about to share with you, I will punch you in the throat. Got it?"

Avi looked intrigued and nodded. She sighed and picked up his hand and held it in her own before looking him straight in the eyes. "When I was five, I went streaking at a funeral."

Avi's eyes widened comically before he started belly laughing. "No you did not." He gasped, trying to catch his breath. "Oh my God. Your mom must have wanted to disappear."

Kirstie rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well. Let's just say that there was more laughing at that funeral than there should have been."

Avi calmed himself down, although the occasional giggle would come out. "Who's funeral was it?"

She happily laid against his chest. "It was our neighbor. She was really old and she'd been sick for a while, so it wasn't too sad of an affair." She smiled softly, feeling Avi's breathing slow down and deepen. "If anything, it was a relief. She wasn't suffering anymore. Mom always told me that she would have thought what I did at her funeral was hilarious."

Avi ran a hand through her hair and then settled it on her back. He was seconds away from falling back to sleep. "She sounds... great..."

Kirstie smiled softly and followed him into a deep slumber, feeling more content than she'd ever felt before.

Future (Kavi/Scomiche)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum