Chapter 3 Sentin Forest

Start from the beginning

"You caught one of the monsters already. I'll help you get it into the pit. Tassle, what happened, you should still be in Vaneeria." Lea continued to walk, stopping when she noticed Tassle had stopped moving, bringing Durin to a halt as well.

"It will all be discussed soon Lea. Tassle, as soon as we finish this task we can start the next one." Durin said as he began to walk forward once more. Tassle nodded and followed. Lea followed along quietly beside them. They walked around the outside of the town hall,and a ways behind it was the Enraldi's prison. They unlocked and unchained the wooden poles that covered the top. Lea grabbed the Enraldi, relieving Tassle and helped to slowly drop it into its new home. They locked it in and walked back around to the front of the town hall, walking inside through its large stone double doors.

Ayamesh sat behind a desk, a large book opened in front of him. He looked up at them as the walked in. Ayamesh was a very large, strong man. He was completely clean shaven, the only hair on his head was his eyebrows. The light reflected off of his tanned skin. "Come in my friends, have a seat." He stood and nodded at each of them before sitting back down. "Durin, Tassle, I trust there is good reason that both of you are no longer at your posts." They all pulled chairs up to his desk and sat down. Durin looked over at Tassle and nodded.

"Ayamesh, Seth... they've executed him. My family is imprisoned. The Enraldi. One of them was chasing me. I captured it. Durin helped me bring it back here. It's in the pit now. My family... please give me the help I need to free them before it's too late." Tassle took a deep breath, his shoulders were shaking as he tried to hold the emotions in.

"We'll do what we can for your family Tassle, I give you my word. Lea, go get Trent and Rygon. Grab the supplies you'll need for a night mission in Vaneeria. Make sure you're prepared to take three people back with you. Durin will join you shortly. Tassle, I'm afraid you're going to have to stay here and get some rest. That injury will only make you get in the way on this mission." Ayamesh said as he reached out across the desk and grabbed Tassle's hands, holding him steady.

"It will be done sir, Tassle, I will do everything I can to bring your family safely back to you." The light of excitement could be seen in Lea's eyes as she stood up and quickly walked out of the room.

"Now Tassle, tell me how this happened." Ayamesh squeezed Tassle's hands gently and waited.

 "Seth was caught giving us food and supplies, since I was fired from my work at the stone mill. They took them all prisoner, leaving me to die, knowing no work would accept me with my broken arm. They brought Seth to the execution block, and he called out Emperor Von'Roth. He mentioned the Koregai. Before he finished, the Enraldi that we captured, and one other ran forward and... He's dead. They killed him." Tassle began to cry, he leaned his forehead against the table, gripping Ayamesh's hands tightly.


A ray of sunlight shined on Rennar's closed eyelids and he opened his eyes his hand out in front of his face to block out the sunlight. He was in a cage, actually more like a pit. He had enough room to lay down one way, but other then that the pit was only a little taller then him and about as wide. When he stood up his head was barely shorter then the roof of wooden poles over his head. They were tied together in a net-like manner, leaving him enough room to maybe slide an arm through the holes. He had been caught.

"So, I see our newest guest is awake. And lucky to be alive I'd say. It's surprising Tassle didn't kill you while you were passed out." Rennar's heart started beating faster when he heard the name Tassle. And his left cheek started to glow. "Oh, I wouldn't do that Enraldi. We spent a lot of time working on this prison. Let's just say you won't be leaving your cage without us letting you out. And it will be extremely painful for you if you turn into the demon."

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