The Truth

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Ali's POV

It's 9:30 now and we've already watched like 45 videos. But then one popped up that I forgot I had filmed. At first it was a black screen, white words popped up saying The Truth, then I popped up.

"Hey guys! It's Ali! So earlier today I tweeted you guys asking you to send me questions with the hashtag, AskAli1. And you did. So I found a really good one, and that's the only one that I'm going to do. So this question came from @ChloeeBetch, and it says what are your true thoughts about The Janoskians? So I'm gonna start with Beau. I've never met Beau, but I have heard about him. And I guess that he would be funny, yet annoying at times. Jai. I've never met Jai. But I'm guessing that, from what I heard, he would be the crazy one. In a good way of course. Luke. I've never met Luke. Or any of The Brooks Brothers. But, from what I've heard, Luke's the musical one. Like the one that's, like, always playing music. James. I've known James for about 5, maybe 6, years. And he's my best friend. He knows stuff about me that not even Daniel knows. But yea. Daniel. He's my twin. I've known him my entire life, obviously. But he's really protective of me at some times. And I don't like that. But I understand that he's just trying to protect me. But yea. So, yea. That was my true thoughts on Beau, Jai, and Luke, who I really don't really know, James, who's my best friend, and lastly, Skip. My brother. So that's it for today's video. I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe. Bye.!"

After the video ended, Luke paused it, and everyone looked at me. Oh no.

"Now that you know me, am I annoying at times?" -Beau

"Am I still the crazy one?" -Jai

"Am I still the musical one?" -Luke

"Beau, not a lot but yes. Jai, yes, in a good way of course. And Luke, yes." -Me

"I'm still your best friend." -James

"Yes, you are." -Me

"You called me Skip." -Daniel

"No I didn't. I called you Daniel." -Me

"Luke, replay the end of the video." -Daniel

Luke replayed the end of the video.

"and lastly Skip."

Then Luke paused it.

"You called me Skip." -Daniel

"It was an accident." -Me

"Why'd you do it?" -Daniel

Because you're my brother and I act like I don't need you but in reality I really do need you. But I'm too scared to tell you.

"Because that's what all your friends call you. It slips out at some points." -Me

"Oh. Ok." -Daniel

He looked kind of sad. But if he found out what I need him for, he would kill someone. And I don't want my brother getting arrested for killing someone. Especially when that someone is his fans. His fans dm me hate. It happens all the time. And it started to really get to me. So I started cutting. But I cut my sides. So that no one will ever know.

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