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-2 Hours Later-

Ali's POV

It's almost 4. And I just finished editing and uploading my video. I signed out of my account, and deleted my account from Luke's laptop. Wait. What about what I told him. Oh well. I'll tell him that I have the wrong memory card in my camera.

"Here's your laptop." -Me

"Thanks. What's your Twitter?" -Luke

Oh shit. What if he picks the wrong one and find out about my YouTube channel? I got it.

"Let me see your phone." -Me

He gave me his phone and I typed in my Twitter that I give family and friends.


I follow the one that came up 2nd, then I gave him his phone.

"Thanks." -Luke

"Mhm. Hey, I'm gonna go to sleep." -Me

"But it's only 4." -Luke

"I'm tired. So if the boys ask where I am, can you tell them I went to sleep?" -Me

"Sure." -Luke

I laid down on day bed thing that Luke set up. And eventually, I fell asleep.

-8 Hours Later-

Luke's POV

I woke up at around midnight to hearing crying. I sat up and looked at Ali. She was crying in her sleep. I got up out of my bed, and woke her up. She sat up looking scared and crying more than she was before.

"It's ok. You're ok." -Me

I hugged her for a little bit before she calmed down.

"You ok?" -Me

"Yea. Just a nightmare." -Ali

"Oh. You wanna talk about it?" -Me

"No." -Ali

"Ok." -Me

I got back into my bed and eventually fell back asleep.

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