- I Love Spending Time With You -

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Hello Again! ^_^ I just got back from the shopping centre! Paige (my best friend) and myself spent the day wondering round looking at shops and just spending quality time with each other. Wait. Did I not introduce Paige?
Paige is my best friend. She has gorgeous brown hair and she has amazing glasses. She has a nose piecing. She has an amazing tumblr-themed fashion sense and she is perfect!
The day was phenomenal! We had subway and we went to HMV. We went to loads of different shops. The day was absolutely perfect! I loved every second of it!
When I met paige I knew we would be best friends. She was funny and she likes cats and all the things I love. She also has social media (which is always a plus)! Her name is simply: justpaigeidc. Which means she is just herself and she doesn't really care what you think which I think it cute. I'll talk to you later!

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