twenty three ; time

219 13 1

six months

It's been six months since Michael's "wedding" night and I have to congratulate myself, I've been okay. Actually better than okay, I've been the best I've ever been in years.

I've been spending a lot of my time in the studio with my band, putting up the finishing touches on our album which released a week ago. Then we started playing in some bigger venues than we were use to, soon people started booking us for parties and a few weddings. Beyond that point, our twitter accounts have been blowing up with new fans and just a couple days ago our album was in the top 10 on iTunes. Today was our only day off.

So yeah, I've been extremely happy and busy. David and I also made it on the top couples in the music industry which is actually surprising since we mostly sleep in all day and when we go out, it's usually to a buffet but I guess according to the media we're "goals."


"Babe look I hit 90K on twitter" David says, smiling up from my lap.

"I hit 90k like two days ago, I'm up to 99k now" I bragged, playing with his hair.

He frowned "Nobody ever pays attention to the drummer"

"I do" I kissed the tip of his nose.

"Gross, I miss the I-hate-everything-that-moves Frankie" Max groaned on the other couch, tuning his bass. "Can't believe I'm the only single one in the band"

"The ladies on Twitter seem to dig it bro" David pointed out. "Especially whenever you tweet a sweaty gym picture"

I rolled my eyes "You're such a tool, Max"

Max smirked at himself "Speaking of which can you drive me to the gym?"

"Why can't you drive yourself?"

"I don't like driving after a workout" He stood his bass back on it's stand. "C'mon please Franks, you're not even doing anything. You're just braiding David's hair"

"It feels good man" he beamed.

"Fine" I got up, gently placing a pillow under David's head where my lap use to be as he held my hand begging me not to leave.

"I'll be back in like 20 minutes, ask Casey to play with your hair. She has a lot of bows"

"Casey is on her red week, she's scary right now"

"I HEARD THAT!" Casey shouted from the kitchen, stuffing a carton of ice cream into her tiny body.

Max was already at the door with his gym bag slung over the shoulder as I struggled to put my sneakers on. "Do you need anything while I'm out Case?"

"CEREAL!" she yelled back, although I couldn't really understand her cause her mouth was filled with ice cream, sprinkles and whip cream.

"Okay gotchu" I headed to the car with Max trotting behind me whistling to a tune of an old Sum 41 song.


After dropping off the bassist at the gym I went to the nearest gas station hoping they had some cereal because I hated going to the grocery since they only had 2 lines open out of 468149.

Luckily there was.

I stood there for a while, debating which cereal an emotional, hurting petite blonde with mood swings would like.


I turned to my side to find a gawky boy dressed in all black with a denim jacket draped over his shoulders. His hair was as dark as his clothes, he took off his sunglasses to reveal a set of two familiar pale green eyes I once knew.

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