"River what the hell happened" I could hear Dante say as I came into the room that had many of the family heads, I scanned the room quickly and realized that Jane wasn't here

"I was hit in the head when I told Jane to run with a glass bottle, there stitches they gave me to close up" I said coming to a stop in front of Dante and my father

"Why were you out in that ally, Jane said you too were fighting about what she would not say" he said probing for answers

"Jane and I don't agree on many things when she gets mad that I speak to other girls, but won't let her speak to boys. She gets mad and storms off" I said, trying to avoid the entire truth

"Well she need to get over it, thought I would prefer you not socialize with other girls while working so this doesn't happen again are we clear" he said in a stern voice

"Yes sir, I take full responsibility for everything that has happened" I said as I could feel the intense glare coming from my father who was probably angry that I cause such a mess.

"I expect it to never happen again, now tell me who had you" he said as other people in the room started moving around he asked turning away from me

"The house we raided and the man I shoot gang the leader now the grandchild of the former boss" I said looking back as Peta came walking in the room with a smug look

"Peta where did you find him" Dante said focusing on papers on his desk

"sitting on the side of the road he had a sign with his name on it basically like trying to be found" Peta said as he came and stopped next to me

"sitting with a sing, you didn't think to get up and contact anyone" Dante said as I was about to respond but Peta interrupted me

"He was knocked out cold took two smelling salt packets to fully wake him, he also got a nasty cut on the side of his head from where he was hit" Peta said as I just waited

"Can you tell me where you were River" Dante said, as he unfolded a map and I came closer to the table that it was spread out on

"There was not windows it was an all brick building, I remember watching the noise yesterday and an explosion went off in this area" I said pointing to where I had seen on the news that caught it " I heard it, but not close where I could feel anything" I said as Dante looked over the map

"all brick building are closer to the harbor and don't go past where the building that was demolished, you were watching television while being kidnapped?" he said as I chuckled

"They weren't really good at kidnapping, they said they didn't mean to take me, and the two guys that had taken me where punished, I don't know how, but mostly I sat on a couch eating cereal and pizza" I said as Dante and everyone just looked at me strangely

"then they just let you go" he said sounding skeptical

"yeah they were waiting until stuff calmed down, then they said they would let me go as long as I agreed to deal they wanted" I said rolling my eyes

"What's the deal"

" they said they would let me go, unharmed as long as I agree we would come after them, they were leaving town heading somewhere else cause there, boss Chris doesn't want to be in a war with you" I said as Dante shook his head

"well they started a war whether it was by accident or not" he said looking back down at the map

"I told him I was in no position to make that deal and if he wanted a deal he would have been better off take Jane not me" I said sarcastically

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