Escape Plan

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"So you're Belle?," Ariel asks.

"Yes, I'm the one you've been searching for," Belle frowns.

"Well, at least we know you're alive. We need to find a way out now, don't we?," Ariel starts to blabber off strategies for a way out.

The three of them are sitting cross-legged on the soft, king-sized bed forming a triangle. Belle sighs and explains to the other two girls what's been going on the last few weeks here, that there's no escape from this torturous place. Belle watches Goldilocks and Ariel's change from curiously to pure shock and horror as she told them what Prince Adam had done to her.

"How dare he?!," Goldilocks shrieks after Belle finishes her tale, if only it was all just a bad dream.

"That's awful, I'm so sorry," Ariel says, her eyes glossy with tears.

"We have to leave. Now!," Goldilocks slams her fist onto the bed.

"I already told you, there's no way to escape," Belle prods.

"There is always a way out," Ariel mutters.

She gets up and paces the room's length back and forth, a thinking expression on her pale face. Belle and Goldilocks watch her with looks of defeat. She never does give up does she, Belle thinks to herself. Ariel makes a fist and hits her other hand with it. She spins and points right at Belle.

"The window, we can tie a bunch of sheets together and make a rope. I'm sure he has extra sheets in here somewhere. We can use a hanger from the closet to make a grappling hook and tie it to our sheets rope. If we hurry we can get everything together and leave now. Goldilocks go get a strong, metal hanger from the closet. Belle, you can start helping me find sheets and tie them tightly together to create the rope," Ariel orders and hurries over to the closet to find some clean sheets.

Belle and Goldilocks give each other a wary look but get up and help Ariel. Prince Adam still hadn't come in almost an hour. Within that hour they had worked together to find and bend a hanger into the shape of a hook. They had also found five sets of clean sheets and had knotted them together, testing them by pulling on them. Goldilocks was starting to panic when the hour ticked on.

"Where is he? When does he normally come back?," Goldilocks was spitting questions out, but she wasn't expecting any answers to her panicked questions.

No one answered her, but when another hour ticked by they were all panicking and hurrying to finish their rope. Ariel's fingers tremble while she attempts to tie the hanger into place. It wasn't staying, it kept slipping out of place. If this keeps up we'll never escape, Ariel thinks to herself.

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