Escaping Isn't Easy

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"Please, let me go. I'm begging you," Belle screams as the ropes binding her wrists together rub her flesh raw.

"You tried to escape you little brat. Now you will stay tied in the corner with no food till I come back," Prince Adam growls.

Belle whimpers and starts to sob. The prince kicks her in the ribs and stalks out, slamming the door of the prison cell behind him. Belle had tried to run from him the morning after she had been raped. It didn't take long for the prince's guards, who thought she was a criminal, to catch her and bring her back to the prince. After the prince's guards had left he had beat her with a horse whip and kicked her so hard she was sure she had some broken bones.

Her face was a mess with dirt and blood smudged all over it. She could barely breath because of the kick that had been dealt to her ribs. And her back was a mess with blood and cloth due to the hard hits of the horse whip. Prince Adam had been furious at Belle for trying to leave. He had told her that if she ever tried to escape again, he would torture her to death. Belle's sobs could be heard a floor up, but no one came to rescue her. No one cared about her, no one cared what happened to the poor village girl.

It felt like days before the prince came back to the small prison cell that held Belle's starving body. It had been days, five days to be exact. The prince walks over and kicks Belle awake. She whimpers and he chuckles darkly. A metal pan of leftovers is set down at the prince's feet. Belle stares at the food, torn between starving herself to death or going ahead and eating the leftovers.

"Eat, dog, then I'll bring you back upstairs. You can go take a bath and get a new outfit," the prince growls and kicks the pan closer to Belle.

"But, your highness, my hands are tied together," she whispered and was rewarded by a slap to the face.

"You will eat like you are, or you will not eat at all," the prince yelled at her.

Scared to death she leaned down to eat and was kicked in the face by the prince. She heard a harsh laugh and she ignored him and began to eat sloppily. She tries to eat as nicely as she could, but how could she when her hands were tied and she had no silverware. After finishing what she could she looks up at the prince hopefully. Her stomach was still growling and her nose was bleeding and dripping into the metal pan of fat and bones.

"Good dog, now come on," the prince unties Belle's hands and puts a collar on her, a leash is clipped to the collar and Prince Adam tugs Belle upstairs, but to the torment and horrors that surely awaited her.

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