He knew what was the problem, he knew his mother was in the hospital.The familiar route gave it away, Niall closed his eyes.

They were doing so well, everything seemed like it was going well.Niall's mom was getting better, she said she was getting better.

Niall was about to cry when he heard the engine cut off and Greg began to speak.

"She's already inside, just be careful.She isn't supposed to speak right now.Denise is with her."Greg said, his voice filled with stress.

"O-okay"Niall replied, the brothers getting out of Greg's black mustang.Beginning to walked inside.

Doing the normal process of taking off items made of metal.While going through the detector.The walked besides each other.

"Name ?"The lady said, she sat by a table.That was surrounded by bars that had an opening for the people to go by.A tall man was next to her, he seemed to be the security.

"Maura Horan"Greg said,Niall began looking around.Next to them was a small coffee shop, then on the opposite side was a waiting room.

"Ah yes, room 341 ,level seven."She looked at the papers she had infront of her.Writing down the number on bracelets.Wrapping one on each person's wrist.

"Let's go"Greg whispered, both walked to the elevators. Immediately getting on one of the four elevators there.Niall pressed the button that was next to the number seven.

"What happened to mom?"Niall mustered up the courage to ask him.

"W-we don't know."Greg sighed,"The took her in for more tests,but it seems to me she had a heart attack."

Niall gasped silently, nodding.He turned back to look at the elevator door.Sighing as they opened.

The Horan brothers strolled along the hall, everything was painted white.Typical for a hospital,really.But these walls seemed like home, Niall pretty much spent most of his childhood in this hospital.If it was for his mom's appointment or if she was staying there for medical attention.

As they were met with a door with the numbers written on their bracelet.Sighing, Greg firmly knocked, a soft yell told them to come in.His older brother opened the door for Niall, before closing it being himself.

Their mother laid there, a bit paler than usual but she seemed to be half asleep.Maura managed to give them a small smile.

"Hi mommy"Niall smiled at her, addressing her by the name he used to call her when he was younger.Standing by the side of her hospital bed, grabbing the hand that didn't have the IV in it and began rubbing circles on the back of her hand.A small way to comfort her.

Greg lean down to hug her, kissing the top of her head before giving her a small greeting.The sat on one of the chairs that was beside Greg's wife.She gave Niall a small smile before turning to Greg and both began to speak.

"Hi baby"Maura weakly said, bringing a small smile to her face as she saw her children besides her."I'm gonna stay a while, you're gonna have to stay with Greg and Denise.But promise, I'm gonna be out as soon as I can "

"Worry about me later.Just focus on resting, okay?"Niall reassured her, grabbing another chair that was close to the closet that the hospital provided.And placing it closer to his mother.

"Okay, Niall.I'm gonna take a quick nap "She said, drowsiness in her voice.The fake blonde figured it was the medicine kicking in.After she fell asleep, Niall pulled out his phone.

Many texts from Harry were in his home screen.Asking him if he or his family were okay.Niall wanted to call him, feeling anxious but he already knew the horrible reception the hospital had.So instead texted him back with an explanation.

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