I Noticed | IV

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"Wha? Oh. And who are you?" Phil asked, a smirk on his face.

"Uh, I'm Dan. Dan Howell." I said, shakily.

"Welcome to the video game club, Dan. Here, we just fuck around. Today's your first day so you get to pick the game."

I nodded warily, discarding my bag on the couch, grabbing a bright blue controller and plopping onto one of the beanbags. I'd chosen Call Of Duty and Phil put it in, typing all of our names. Normally, I would've kicked their asses at this game but I was so scared in that moment that I kept dying, causing my team's downfall.

Why did Phil act like he didn't know me?

Was this some sort of twisted game?

Was he actually nice in this seemingly alternate universe?

Was there another blue eyed, black haired boy at our school named Phil?

No... This was the real Phil and I was so terrified of him. After the rest of the club, who I learned consisted of all gay people, Pj, Chris, Troye, Tyler, Patrick, Pete, and Brendon, we actually became fast friends, but I was still worried about Phil. I guess my thoughts were proved correct after everyone had left. I don't know why I didn't leave with the others but I'm regretting my choice right now.


I froze at the end of the hallway.

"You thought I wouldn't notice you joined my club?"

I could hear his footsteps approaching and I was soon pinned to the wall by my throat.

"P-Phil please." I gasped.

"I noticed. Why did you even join? You're so shit at video games, like really. I bet video games aren't all you're shit at, is it? I bet you're shit at life in general? School, friends, family. Can you do anything right?"

By now, tears were streaming down my face. I knew everything he said was true. I'd been asking myself the same questions and Phil just answered them.

"Why don't you just kill yourself, faggot?" He asked, releasing me.

I took one look at him before running from the school, straight into oncoming traffic.

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