CΗαρτεr 7 (Annabeth's pov)

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I woke up to a burning sensation in my lungs. I opened me eyes to meet a sleeping Percy. I realized I was under water. I swam over to him and slapped him. He looked at me and looked around and had a panic look in his eyes. He closed her eyes again and concentrated. I started getting dizzy and felt lightheaded. He spread his hands out and created a bubble again. I took a deep breath and fell to my knees. Percy knelt down to me. "Annabeth are you ok, I'm sorry I forgot that I can't hold a bubble with other people when I sleep. Annie I'm really sorry, I've ruined everything." He looked really sad. I reached out and grabbed his forearm. "Percy it is ok. I had a fun time running from monsters with you." He looked me in the eyes and kissed me. He held my hand and swam up to the surface. The monster was gone, but we had bigger problems on our hands. We walked to the shore to meet all of the campers eyes including Mr. D and Chiron. Leo walked in front of Mr. D and said "Classic, Classic, Classic. You see everybody, they are just the modern Romeo and Juliet. Only can sneak out at midnight-" Chiron cut Leo off. "That's enough Leo, what were you two doing." I realized that the situation seemed awkward being that it's was like 1:00 in the morning and we where underwater together. "Chiron I can explain." Percy started. "Annabeth and I took a walk along the beach to go see this hang out I found. We kinda fell asleep in the place and a monster sensed us. We couldn't run to camp with out being killed so we jumped in the water. And the monster finally left when you guys showed up." Percy told nothing but the truth. Chiron scratched his chin. "Seems believable. Okay. Everybody back to their cabins. Wake up is still at 7:00 A.M." Percy walked me back to my cabin and gave me a good night kiss. I walked into the Athena cabin and had 1,000 eyes on me. "Um...Hi guys." They all stopped staring and went back to sleep. "Well, this is awkward." I got my pajamas on went to sleep. I had a dream that I was with Percy and we were in his hideout. He was telling me how much he loved me and kissed me. Then out of no where a monster killed him and he died in my arms. I woke up startled. "What time is it?" I wondered. I looked at my watch. 2:45 A.M. Wow, I only slept for an hour and a half. I tried to go back to sleep, but the dream was just re-playing the whole time. I couldn't take it anymore. I sat up and got my slippers on and left my cabin.

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