CΗαρτεr 3 (Percy's pov)

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If I wasn't used to big monsters trying to kill me, I would've peed my pants and hid in the corner. But I knew I couldn't do that. I also knew that jerk Jason was watching from his window. I flipped his coin and it turned into a lance. The Chimera was one of the most disgusting and disturbing monsters I've ever seen. It was a lion with a goat rising from its back, and a snake for a tail. I didn't know what head to stick the lance down, but the lion seemed the most logic. I tried to get close to the head, but it darted back. I chased after it, and I realized that we were in the border. The border is supposed to keep monsters out. How did this get in? All of a sudden pain shot up my leg. I look back an the snake part of the Chimera bit me. My vision began to blur. I knew I couldn't let this monster terrorize camp anymore and with all my might I shoved the lance down the monsters throat. It wailed in pain and fell to the floor. It started coughing and spit out the coin. I picked up the coin and collapsed to the floor.

I woke up back in my bed room, but it seemed different. I had new clothes on, my cabin was clean, my bedside table had get well soon cards and a sticky note that said "remember I defeated the monster". The most different thing in the room was the chair in the corner. In the corner was Annabeth sleeping on a chair. She was so cute. I took of my covers to see a horrific sight. My leg was wrapped up. "Not that bad." I sat up. I went to go stand up and I screamed from the pain. Annabeth instantly woke up and ran towards my side. "Percy, you are awake! Don't stand you have poison inside your leg." She sat next to me and kissed me. "Will said there would be a possibility that you won't live. But I said that wasn't true. You would live. We drowned you in water well we didn't really drown you well we couldn't drown you because you are son of posiden you can't drown..." Annabeth kept nervously rambling on. "Annie, shhh" I kissed and hugged her. She looked tired and laid down next to me. And we fell asleep.

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