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"Then it is settled," the officers gathered about the three-dimensional map. Tuditanus stood at its head, overviewing the plan proposed by Knight-Captain Leofric. "Decurion Tiberius will lead the vanguard and thus attack first. Decurion, you understand the risks of being vanguard?"

"Being surrounded is my specialty, legatus." Said the determined knight.

"That's what I'd expect to hear from a member of the Ordo Equester. When the vanguard has drawn the enemy force away from their encampment, the rest of the knights shall charge along with a cohort of legionaries. Once the camp has been cleared," Tuditanus, a large, thick man standing six feet three inches, switched his gaze to the bespectacled Fabricator-Tribune. "The fabricati will follow suit along with the automated turrets and heavy weapons. They will begin erecting improvised defenses around the captured camp. Once this has been completed we can begin our counterattack against the rebels in a Fabian strategy – cutting their supply chain. We can show them that we can win this war of attrition, and we don't play by the rules. I believe that is a fair overview of what we have discussed in this meeting. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention this. Good news from the fleet; they have arrived within the system, and if Fortuna favors, will reach orbit within two days. If this succeeds – in which responsibility is in the hands of Captain Leofric and Tribune Castus – we will show that the sixteenth legion aren't just cowards that hide behind walls. Let's show them how the fighting sixteenth fights. For the Republic!" He put his right fist on the left chest of his cuirass.

The other officers and noncommisioned officers in the room pounded their right fist on their left chest. They exclaimed, "For the Republic!"


The officers and NCOs threw a salute, and turned away to dismiss themselves. They headed for the large metal doors, in which they exited one by one. Leofric and Tiberius went out together.

"You think this will succeed, sir?" Asked Tiberius.

"If we have the element of surprise, most certainly. I have little doubts. Tuditanus is an excellent battle commander. The intel seems solid but I feel there's something off." He said. He stopped in his tracks and turned to the Decurion, who turned to him. "Enjoy yourself while you can, Tiberius. I will see you at lunchtime tomorrow. If we still have any."

"Captain." Tiberius nodded. Leofric walked away into the hallway, and seemingly disappeared when he turned the other way, as someone had called his name. He turned his head about and saw Knight-Sergeant Dionysia Cleita, still in her armor. Her face had been washed as the dirt that covered the beauty had seemingly gone. Tiberius could see her facial features clearly now; her eyes, however, stayed the same, reflective green that he had seen earlier. And he loved it.

"Sergeant Cleita. Is there a problem?" He said, trying to look as stoic as possible, despite him itching to know what laid under that armor.

"I was thinking I could have some company for dinner tonight, decurion."

"Drop the rank. It's Lucius." He said. He pinned a serious gaze on her, concentrating on her eyes.

"Very well then, Lucius. Dionysia."

"Beautiful name."

She began walking towards the exit. Tiberius followed her. "How is it beautiful? My namesake is the god of wine and ecstasy."

"A name befitting your appearance, Dionysia. For men become drunk from your beauty, and grow ecstatic upon hearing your name."

"Oh please, Lucius. I hear those words almost every day." She smiled.

Lucius Aelius Tiberius grinned. "I was expecting you'd say that. Are you with somebody?"

"Me?" She laughed. "No man would like me to be in their company, since I outwit and overpower most of the men I've dated."

The Siege of Fort CalixtusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora