The Tribune and The Viking

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Other than the fact that rebel artillery was firing over the main keep of Fort Calixtus, the central chambers – the command center – was quiet except for the two figures in armor, red tabards over their steel, discussing matters deemed too sensitive to be spoken about outside.

"Are you sure that the equites can do this, Leofric?" Asked a bespectacled man, built thin and wearing the standard cuirass of Legionary officers. He looked small compared to the bulky and intimidating Power Armor of his counterpart.

Leofric, tall, wide, and strong, stood hunched over the table, overviewing the northern part of the fort, where the enemy siege was at its weakest. Knight-Captain Leofric, commander of the detachment of Knights within Calixtus, had his golden beard nicely trimmed at medium length, with his hair put in a ponytail, its sides cropped in an undercut manner. His ACR-160 sat on the table untouched, his two-handed power-axe struck on his back by magnetic placeholders.

"Tiberius can handle anything. As long as we have the element of surprise we can make the rebels rethink their siege... we could even break it, Castus."

Senior Tribune Castus was second-in-command to Legate Tuditanus, commanding officer of the sixteenth legion. Tuditanus had assigned Castus to find a sufficient force to charge the enemy at their weaker positions, and ransack the area with shock and awe, and without mercy. "I want a fast, strong, coordinated attack on the northern wall. This can determine our fate and ultimately the fate of the rebellion." He had said earlier.

Tuditanus was an explosive commander. He favored quick, maneuver warfare over static defense, something that had contributed to the many losses the rebels had suffered. However his skills could not be utilized to a maximum as of now, since the legion was confined to walls and the rebel siege cannons outside it. On the other hand Castus was a more careful and defensive-minded commander. He himself was against the plan, as even slightly opening the gates – or letting anyone go out of the gates – could create an opening that would endanger the entirety of the Fort's defenses. The only way to do it was the Tuditanus way, and that can only be achieved through coordinated artillery, infantry, and armor; a luxury the Fighting Sixteenth didn't have at the moment. That, or enough men of the Ordo Equester to launch an all-out frontal attack on the enemy trenches. The latter, was something they had.

"We are speaking of thousands of rebels here, Leofric."

"Then use Praetorian missiles on the trenches. After we blow them to Valhalla, my men will conduct mop up operations and secure the area."

"They might be surrounded." Said Castus.

A short pause followed, as the Viking turned his head to thin Castus. "They're Knights of the Equestrian Order. They're trained to be surrounded." He put a finger to the holographic map and configured trenches and fortifications around the area that was supposed to be captured. "We can manage to hold them off for a day or two, provide we have enough ammunition. While the Equites and what combat troops that can assist us hold the line, the fabricatus will erect defensive fortifications, and bring up turrets." The fabricatus were the engineers and technicians tasked with building forts, trenches, and bridges for military or in some cases civilian purposes.

"Then we must discuss this with the Fabricator-Tribune." Said Castus.

"That is your job, Castus, not mine."

Then suddenly the doors opened, and a man entered the room. He wore power armor like Leofric, and had his rifle slung about his shoulder. A gladius sat on his hip. He stopped in his tracks and saluted with a fist to the chest thrown forward. Quickly he returned to attention. "Knight-Decurion Tiberius, at your service."

"Tiberius, at ease. Come here." Said Leofric.

"Captain." He said, nodding. He headed to the map table, right hand on the pommel of his gladius, left hand hand on his helmet.

Leofric explained the plan to Tiberius, and went on. "How many men have you remaining in your turmae, decurion?"

"After the loss of Decurion Meyers I have assigned one of my sergeants the responsibility of commanding what remains of his turmae. I have nine men ready for duty, and Meyers' thirteen. I thought we still had two more turmae for this, sir?"

"Yes. Indeed we do. If my plan is approved then we will conduct an all out attack on the lightly fortified positions on the north wall. You, Tiberius, will have the honor of becoming vanguard of this operation. I will give you the details of the offensive once we meet the other part of the operation, Sergeant Cleita."

"Sir, this is a high-risk operation. I'm not sure I will be able to-"

"I shall be in command of the charge personally, Tiberius. You're to lead our right wing in this offense. I will lead center and left."

The tribune returned a disapproving look when the commander said that. "Leofric, you are third-in-command. Your death will seriously affect the morale of the whole fortress."

"I'd rather be with my knights on the ground rather than plotting behind walls, Castus. I promise you, the Ordo Equester will hold the rebels off."

"They better do, Leofric. You better do... and come out in one piece. Very well, Leofric, Decurion," he nodded at the two. "I must be off to arrange the operation with the Fabricator-Tribune. I will see you in two hours."

The decurion threw a salute at the tribune, who replied with a nod as he exited the room.

"Cocksucker-Tribune, sir."

"There are two ways to make a career in the legion, Tiberius. The first one is to perform with merit on and off the field. The second one is to suck the cock of whoever is above you and lower yourself to the lowest level possible in order to appease your superiors. Castus, young Tiberius, is the latter."

Before the rebellion, Castus held a captain's commission in the role of quartermaster-tribune to the sixteenth legion. In result of the deaths of other senior tribunes during a terrorist attack followed by the initial battles, systematically he got promoted to the rank of Senior Tribune and acted as Legate Tuditanus' second-in-command. He was never forged for combat and cared more about his personal advances and promotion chances, however after a long siege Castus had gradually changed into more of a battle commander than before.

"I'll give it to him, sir, he's a good organizer."

"Cocksucking has its benefits, Tiberius. Makes you know how to make friends. Accompany me to the Southeast Wall. We must seek Knight-Sergeant Cleita."



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