Chapter Fourteen

Beginne am Anfang

"Listen, and listen good." I demand. "You bring him here, and you let him see me." I demand with as much authority as I can muster up. "I don't care what it takes, you hear me? He is the only thing I need right now, it's something that you can't possibly put in that stupid I.V..." I take in a ragged breath before continuing. "It's true love." The wold goes dark again and I feel my fist going limp as I'm dragged into unawareness again.

~Spencer's POV~

I wake up to my phone ringing in my briefcase. I jolt upright on the uncomfortable hospital chair and look around me at JJ, Hotch, Morgan, and Garcia, all of whom are asleep.


"Yes, is this Spencer Reid?" A quivering voice asks from the other end, almost scared.

"Yes. What's going on?" I ask frantically, shaking Morgan awake so that I have something to grab onto.

"You're wife wants to talk to you." I let go of Morgan's arm and smile. He gives me a confused and sleepy look but I just shrug him off.

"Okay, put her on the phone."

"Spence?" Carmen asks and I breath a sigh of relief.

"Hey Carmen. It's me, why are you calling me?" I ask.

"They didn't tell you?" She responds and my stomach twists into a knot.

"Baby... Tell me what?"

"Apparently they life flighted me to New York. I want you here, now." She says. I hear the little break in her small voice and I know she's slightly scared, even if she won't admit it to herself.

"Baby, I'm coming. It's okay. Text me the address, I'm coming." I say and stand up, grabbing my briefcase. Morgan stands up with me and I motion for him to grab her duffle from her hospital room.

I wake everyone up and tell them the news, apologize for leaving, and thank them for coming just to support me while I wait for her to come out of surgery.


I almost pass the hospital because I'm speeding so fast, but luckily Morgan punches my arm to get me to pay attention. I swerve into the parking lot and park precariously. Morgan and I book it into the hospital entrance, feeling like crazy people as we fly by security.

We reach Carmen's section of the I.C.U. and I see her laying on a stiff gurney in a hospital gown.

"Carmen. I'm here, baby, I'm here." I sooth, coming around the side of her bed. She jerks her head up and I gently push her back down. "It's okay, just lay down, I'm here." She breaths deeply and I sigh. "I was worried about you."

"I'm sorry." She whispers and I bury my head in the crook of her neck. I love her so much. I don't even realize that I'm crying until I lift my head and find tears on her shoulder. "Spence... Please don't cry, I'm fine now." She says In a small voice and I try my best to contain myself. Morgan comes up behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's a good thing you guys are together." Morgan tells Carmen and my eyebrows furrow together in confusion.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well because then the team can still see her and stay in touch." He says and I go tense.

"Carmen... What is he talking about?" I ask as gently as I can.

"I was going to tell you after the surgery..." She responds quietly.

"Tell me what?" I demand, looking from Carmen to Morgan and back again. "What are you guys not telling me?"

"I'm quitting the BAU..." Carmen trails off.

"You're what?!" I almost shout, drawing the attention of everyone in the I.C.U, well, everyone that is conscious. I can see her recoil into a ball and immediately I know I did something wrong, but I can't get a handle on myself, I'm just so frustrated. How could she not tell me? Or ask my opinion on such a big decision?

"At least temporarily." She whispers, barely audible.

"When were you going to tell me?!" I demand.

"I told you... I was going to tell you after-"

"Excuse me sir, you're not supposed to be here." A security guard says, grabbing my arm.

"No, you don't understand. I was given special clearance." I try to reason with him.

"Not now, you're disrupting the peace. These patients need to rest." He directs me out and I glance back at Morgan, wondering why he would betray me. Why he wouldn't come help me when the security guard is being so sassy. I see him just standing there with a look of shock and confusion.

~Carmen's POV~

I totally screwed up. I've never really seen Spencer angry. Let alone this angry. I can't help but think that maybe we rushed into things. I mean... Marriage? Really Carmen, what in the world were you thinking? And now you have cancer. You're going to go through brain surgery with your honeymoon money and... Then what? Just go right into living with Spencer like nothing happened? Like its a normal thing to just get married?! I think to myself, clutching my head and rocking back and forth on the uncomfortable hospital bed. I start to cry and Morgan comes over to me.

"Hey. None of this is your fault, okay?" He says and wraps his arms around me as I cry.

"Morgan." I say, taking a shaky breath and pushing him away from me. "I really appreciate you coming here, to help Spencer, and comforting me and everything... But honestly, right now I just want to be alone. Okay? I screwed up big time, and made some rash decisions on what I thought was true love. But really, Morgan. I rushed things with everyone and I really need time to think about everything, okay? Please just- please leave." I sob and he looks slightly hurt.

"Okay. I can respect that, I get it. But Carmen, Spencer really loves you. He might be mad right now, but you make him smile like no one I've ever seen. You are really stressed with everything, I get it. But promise me you won't end everything with Spencer just because of this, okay?" He says.

"I'll think about it, just get out. Please." I beg, wishing for the comfort and privacy of my house. With my own bed, and my comfort foods. I would give anything to feel the slightest bit of comfort right now.


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