Chapter 2.

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I followed her down the street. I don't have any idea where we're going.

"Where we're going anyway?" I ask.

"Nah we'll just head to the mall then we'll figure out where to after" She says.

"Okay as long as there's food" I say.

"Ugh queen you really eat a lot!" She scolds me.

"Hey I haven't taken breakfast yet!" I defend myself.

"Oh yeah well I'll treat you breakfast after" She laughs.

Oh well I need to buy school stuffs anyway. So i guess going to the mall is okay. And she's gonna treat me breakfast!

We walked onto the entrance and looked around. She immediately drag me into a clothing store. Ugh shopping clothes isn't really my thing. I prefer spending my money on foods. Not on clothes.

I saw her eyes light up when we walked through the pile of dresses. She really buy clothes a lot. We're really opposite on some sort of things.

She grabs a black dress from the racks and looks at me. Oh no.

"You should try this one" She raise her eyebrow and gestures to give me the black dress.

"Oh no thanks" I roll my eyes.
There's no way I'm wearing that.

"Queen you really should learn how to dress already! So that guys would notice you. You're so beautiful to be unnoticed!! You should have a boyfriend already!" She scoffs at me.

"No I don't need guys attention. And mostly, I don't need a boyfriend."

I'm fine with eating and enjoying my life without putting up with guys.

"Just try it please!!"

I shake my head.

"Fine but I won't treat you breakfast anymore"

She really knows how to get me. I immediately grab the dress from her and walked towards the fitting rooms.

"I hate you"

I can hear her laughing behind me as I walk inside and try the dress on. Wow it's really pretty. It's not too short but it's hugging my body and the neckline is a bit low. The fabric is silky and the bottom part is made of lace which gives more attraction to it.

"Aren't you done yet?" She asks from outside and I roll my eyes.

I open the door and walked outside for her to see.

"Ohmygod queen you look so different and sexy!!" She squeals.

"Oh shut up" I laugh and she joins

"But seriously Queen, you should try wearing a dress sometimes not always some jeans and shirts" She playfully rolls her eyes at me. I smile

"So are you going to buy it?" She asks

"No way" I laugh

"Why? it really suits you!! Don't you like it?"

"Well I do like it, but I'm not comfortable so no" I tell her and walk back inside to change.

I walked outside the fitting rooms holding the dress to put it back on the racks.

"Well if you're not going to buy it, I'll buy it for you" She says and grabs the dress from my grip.

She really can be annoying sometimes. Ugh.

I follow her to the cashier as she pays for the dress then hands me the paper bag. I glare at her but she just laughed it off and drag me outside.

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