Let's Take a Bubble Bath

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I hate that Brendon has a job sometimes. It's so lonely at home, I showered and I cleaned and I invited my best friend over but the days seem to drag on when he's not home.

I can't imagine that an editor needs an thirteen hour work day and time to work at home. The writers should just be more careful with their mistakes! None the less, my cold, sorry Friday continues. I clean our bathroom, stir the crockpot every once and a while, meet my friends for coffee and shopping, and wait around for Brendon to come home and cherish me.

I put my Starbucks as well as Brendon's in the fridge and plate our dinner, 7:03 pm.

He got off work at 6.

My mind starts to race, what if he crashed his car? What if he's cheating? Did he even go to work? Surely he would have said something if he was working late. The roads are so bad, he probably crashed. What if someone shot him in the parking lot? He only works ten minutes away, what if he's at the bar? I need to call him.

And alas, no answer.

I called six times, no answer. 

I need to calm down. The city looks grey and lifeless from the window next to my tub. No sun shining, no one's wearing bright colors, it's perfect day to find out I'm a widow.


I started the tub and dropped in a bath bomb. I can feel how wound up my muscles are thinking about him. I need a bubblebath. I need something more. I found a lighter and my weed, just to be sure I can relax. I need the anxiety to dissipate, I can't think about him and what he could possibly be doing. I'm an over thinker, I'm stubborn, my brain likes to imagine sick and twisted scenarios in absolute worse case. More dull people and cars passed by my house while I bathed and smoked.

"Warren?" He's home. He's not in any distress. What the fuck. 
"You son of a bitch." I snap.
"You should be. I called you seven times." He came in the bathroom covered in flurries from the cold outside.
"I told you I had to run to Costco after work." He laughed and kissed my head. He did tell me that, didn't he? Oops.

"Brendon, you could have at least answered my call. I waited for you."
"I keep my phone off at work." That's not an excuse! But I decide not to argue and take a drag instead. Suddenly, he takes off his coat, and his sweater, and the rest of his layers and got into the tub, quite awkwardly.

    "Pass the roll?" I closed my eyes tight as I could, I'm cringing so hard. My man's age is showing. When I open my eyes he just looked at me, what a dork. Yet, he wound up with it in his hands, took one drag, and put it out on the faucet.
"Dude. Not cool." He smiled and tossed the remaining joint in the sink.
"You don't need to be high tonight. Felix is coming over." Ugh.
"I only made dinner for two."
"The entire crock is full, just give him a chance."
"Nope." He smiled at my stubbornness and I frowned right back.
"C'mere" He lunged to me and kissed me roughly. I could imagine the scene, if my eyes were open it would have been beautiful. The arid light of an oncoming storm lit the tub and its million bubbles, while Brendon's naked body enveloped mine in sparkling, lavender water. He held me close, as I arched onto his abs, his lips attached to mine and sucked the breath out of me. The room smelled like roses, marijuana and my other half with an erection the size of West Texas.

It was the most attractive and aesthetically pleasing scene, which lead to some even more pleasing activities until our guest arrived.

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