Happy Ending..or New Beginning?

Start from the beginning

'Mycroft' Sherlock wondered to himself. 'What does he have up his sleeve this time?' It was true that their relationship was in the very early stages of reconciliation, but this was a leap of faith even for him. John, for his part, started to look slightly panicked.

"If this is Mycroft's doing, I'll string him up myself! Kidnapping me when it suits him is one thing, but there is absolutely no reason for him to bring these good people into this!"

As if on cue, Sherlock's mobile pinged in response. He dug it out his pocket and looked at the notification of a text from Mycroft. Seeing it, John leaned over as Sherlock unlocked the screen and read the message along with him.

Not to worry. There is no imminent case that requires either of your presence in London at the moment so I have seen to it that you and your doctor will get some well deserved time away. Consider it a congratulatory gift, dear brother, on finding someone who gives you that which you have sought for so long. Enjoy your holiday, and give my best regards to everyone. – MH

"Well I'll be damned. But he still didn't say where we were headed." John said.

Sherlock looked out the window at the scenery and saw a sign that gave him a clue. "Wherever it is, it's going to be an interesting trip." he said, pointing. The three other passengers followed his finger and happened to catch a glimpse of the sign before it was out of sight.

London Heathrow Airport - 5 km

"The airport!" Brianna squealed. "Now this is really getting exciting!"


They pulled into Heathrow but instead of parking in the usual lane for vehicles dropping off passengers, it made a shift into another lane and drove them straight onto a private runway. A small jet sat waiting for them, reflecting the sunlight. Its door was opened and the stairs were placed on small red carpet.

"Would you just look at that?!" Edie breathed in awe. "I feel like a proper celebrity! What on earth did we do to deserve such treatment?"

Sherlock sighed. "This is my brother's doing. Given the recent situation, he felt we all deserved a holiday. But he may live to regret that." When John, Edie, and Brianna stared at him in askance he just smirked. "I still have a copy of his credit cards."

Everyone laughed as the limousine came to a halt near the stairs. Brianna and Sherlock were the first to climb out, and they took turns helping the rest of the passengers out. The driver then made his appearance known, coming around to retrieve Edie and Brianna's bags from the boot. Seeing the bags reminded John that they didn't have anything packed for themselves. Before he could say anything about it, Sherlock made a show of patting his back pocket. "It's a holiday, remember. Trust me; we will get everything we need." John just grinned.

They walked over and joined the ladies as they continued to stare in awe of the jet. "I wonder what kind of plane this is." Brianna quietly murmured to her mother.

"It's an Embraer Legacy 600. It can cover over 3700 miles in one fueling and can reach speeds of 834 kph. Built by Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica with a Rolls-Royce AE 3007 engine." Sherlock explained, his pronunciation flawless. The women just stared at him while John just shook his head.

"Show-off!" he said.

"You wouldn't have me any other way." Sherlock retorted. Clapping his hands together once, he continued, "All right then. Enough show-and-tell. Let's climb aboard."

The quickly did so, allowing the small flight crew to handle the luggage. They each took their seats and admired the interior. Everything was in a soft cream color, which was highlighted by warm wooden accents. The chairs were upholstered in matching cream leather that was deceptively soft. Large flat screens were situated on the front walls adjacent to the stewardess' cabin. They took their seats, with Edie and Brianna chattering away excitedly on one side while John and Sherlock took seats on the other side of the narrow aisle.

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