Happy Ending..or New Beginning?

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Sherlock and John spent a peaceful night together but were more than ready to leave the next morning. Once getting the clearance from Dr. Hawthorne, Sherlock couldn't get John out of there fast enough.

Sherlock wheeled John downstairs, predictably impatient. What neither of them could predict, however, was what was waiting for them as they walked through St. Bart's main entrance.

A large black limousine.

Sherlock thought that it was probably just Mycroft wanting them to be as comfortable as possible on the way back to their flat. John looked up at Sherlock in surprise, and was even more surprised when he saw a smile on Sherlock's face instead of the usual grimace he had when faced with anything that had to do with his brother. 'I must still be drugged up.. .' John thought to himself.

Sherlock wheeled John towards the car slowly knowing that the driver would any minute exit the vehicle and open the doors for them. But he never did. Instead, the back door swung open on its own, and a bright looking young woman popped out.

"Mr. Holmes? Dr. Watson?" she asked politely. Sherlock and John exchanged looks again, not sure what to make of this. She noticed and laughed lightly. "I promise you, I have no ill designs towards the two of you, unless you count hugging you until you can't breathe." She held her hand out towards Sherlock. "I'm Brianna."

The name instantly registered in Sherlock's mind and he quickly grasped her hand with a smile. "Brianna! Of course! I'm pleased to finally meet you." John stared up at him with a look that said 'Mind filling me in?' Sherlock stepped back and clasped his hands behind his back. "Dr. John Watson, may I introduce to you Brianna, Ms. Edie's only daughter."

John whipped his head around in shock, then immediately smiled. He struggled for a moment to gather his bearings, the stood up from the wheelchair. "Well then, I'd like to take you up on that offer of a hug!" he said. He opened his arms, and Brianna walked into his embrace. They separated after a moment, and John asked her, "How is your mom doing? She's feeling alright?"

Brianna's smile grew wider. "She's right inside. Why don't you ask her yourself?"

They approached the large car and climbed inside. As promised, there sat Edie. She had her ankle in a small but brightly colored cast and a set of crutches leaning against the seat next to her, but the smile on her face was genuine.

"Dr. Watson! You have no idea how pleased I am to see you!" she gushed. John slid over to her and allowed himself to be enveloped in another embrace, while Brianna and Sherlock looked on amusedly. Sherlock moved so that he was sitting next to John while Brianna closed the door with a slam, signaling to the driver that they were ready. Within moments, the car whisked them away.

"Not as happy as I am to see you!" he answered. "How are you doing?"

"I've been a lot worse honestly, but I suppose I can ask the same thing of you." she retorted.

John looked down for a moment, not sure how to put into words what he wanted to say. "I could be a lot worse off. And from what I've been told, I believe that I owe you my life." He leaned over and gave Edie a light peck on her cheek. "I don't think I know the proper words to thank you for what you did for me." He turned and glanced at Sherlock and took his hand. "For us. I'm just sorry that we didn't figure out everything sooner."

Edie waved it off, trying not to let her emotions cloud her words. "In the end, it all worked out ok. I just want to put all that nasty business behind us and enjoy the trip! I'm so excited!"

A look of confusion settled on the boy's faces. "Trip?" Sherlock asked then looked at Brianna. "What trip?"

"We've all been given a holiday!" she explained, her excitement mirroring her mother's. "A woman named Anthea knocked on our door this morning and told us that we were going away for a week's holiday but wouldn't tell us where, just to pack our bags and be downstairs within the hour. Naturally I was skeptical, given what had just happened to my mother. But then she informed us that we were to be picking you two up along the way to join us, so we packed as quickly as possible and here we are!"

Since John (Johnlock)Where stories live. Discover now