Emerald Isle

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The plane landed smoothly as the afternoon sun shone brightly. The passengers still chattered happily as they had all become fast friends on the flight. As they filed one by one down the steps they were met again by a waiting vehicle. After safely stowing away the ladies' luggage they climbed inside, eager to see where they would be taken.

As they rode through the streets, John took in the scenery surrounding them with a goofy grin on his face. Sherlock was happy to see John so carefree for once and promised himself that he would make sure John would see and do everything his heart desired. Edie was still going on about the places she had used to visit in the area, but Sherlock had her halfway tuned out. He undoubtedly knew more than she did about the local history, but he also knew that it would probably upset John if corrected her so he remained silent. Besides, he still had a surprise to plan.

Their ride was a short one, only about 20 minutes or so. Eventually they pulled up in front of an impressive Victorian-style 2 story house with a warm brick façade and white trim. Rounded bay windows graced almost every corner of the house, and the gardens surrounding the house gave the property a splash of color in every direction. Everything looked so meticulously kept that even the black wrought iron fence around the house seemed to sparkle in the light.

As they pulled up, a middle-aged woman came out to greet them. Her hair was jet black and pulled back in a tight bun with a few silver streaks that fluttered freely in the warm breeze, highlighting her eyes that seemed to sparkle with mischief. She waited patiently for them to exit the vehicle then greeted them warmly, her thick accent dripping over her words like honey.

"Welcome! My name is Meredith, and I'd like to welcome ye to Oaklodge! I must say it's a great honour te have the likes of Sherlock Homes and Dr. Watson staying in me humble establishment!" She then turned to Edie and Brianna. "I must say, you gentlemen certainly have some bonnie lasses traveling with ye!"

Brianna lit up at the compliment while Edie only laughed. "Well I think I'm a little old to be considered a lass, but I'll accept the compliment anyway. Your place is just lovely!"

"Ay it is! My late husband Gareth was especially proud of this place. He's always said that the magic was in the details. Ye see all th' flowers 'round th' place? He planted each one by hand, he did. I'll be happy te give ye a tour 'round the grounds later, but I've a meal prepared fer your arrival. I'll send someone to collect yer bags and bring them te yer rooms. Come have a wash and I'll see ye in the dining room."

She turned and headed back into the house, her posture making it known that she was used to being obeyed. They followed her inside and took in the wonderful décor. The house retained most of its original Victorian features, with only the most necessary modernizations throughout. Antique furniture was placed throughout the rooms and each room still boasted the original chandeliers, still shining as if they were brand new. Sturdy beams criss-crossed the vaulted ceilings, further accentuating the home's Old World Charm. The finishing touch, however, was the monstrous fireplace that sat front and center of the dining room. Measuring at least 6ft wide, it was beautifully decorated with ivy and fresh flowers. Fresh flowers also graced the massive solid wood table that could easily sit 10, and was perched on a beautiful rug that brought out every other color in the room. In short, it was stunning.

"It's like being in a fairy tale!" Brianna remarked.

After being shown where to wash up, the ladies headed in that direction while John and Sherlock went ahead and took places at the table. Soon they were all seated. Just then Meredith entered carrying 2 baskets and set them down on the table. "Here is some freshly baked bread for ye, while I serve up the dishes. I'll only be a minute!" she promised, then hurried back towards the kitchen. They each took turns selecting a slice and spreading them with the selection of jams and jellies that sat around the centerpiece. John bit into his slice rather enthusiastically and almost sighed in delight.

Since John (Johnlock)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें