Chapter 10: Any Ideas?

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Garcia's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke slowly, stretching my arms out across the whole width of the bed. I sighed, staring at the ceiling. I had fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, so I was still wearing the same clothes and makeup as the days previous. I shook my head, remembering what all had happened in those same days.

As I stood, I grabbed my go-bag, which Rossi, Morgan, and I had all remembered to bring upstairs with us. I didn't think Hotch and Emily had brought theirs, but I imagine one of the others brought the two's for them, considering their personalities, and how tired the two had looked as well . . .

I sighed again. When exactly had I became a profiler? It's not my concern; they'll take care of it themselves. They're adults, grown people. They can take care of themselves.

I took a long, hot shower, hopefully to relax my muscles of the strain of sitting in a stupid hospital chair for I-don't-know-how-long yesterday. Geez, for being such a wealthy hospital, they sure didn't spend much money on their waiting rooms. It would've been more comfortable to be sitting on a plastic kids' chair.

After checking the time, which surprised me (I was up at 5:30?!? Since when?!?), I figured I had until 7:00 at least. So, I took my good ol' sweet time putting on my makeup and doing my hair, and when I went down to get breakfast from the hotel's nice little breakfast-area, I noticed I actually wasn't the only one up.

My plate of scrambled eggs, pancakes, and bacon was set in front of me as I joined Morgan sitting in the corner. He smiled up at me as I sat down, and dang that man's smile is contagious.

"Hello, chocolate thunder," I said, smirking as I started to eat. I tried their bacon, which wasn't too bad (what with it being hotel bacon and all), and I noticed Morgan must've been down here a while, since the only thing in front of his was a styrofoam cup of coffee.

"Hey, Baby Girl," was all he replied with. I was confused, but when he looked out of the window beside our table, I could see the bags under his eyes. And everything all of us had last night, was now magnified onto him.

"Trouble sleeping?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm?" He mumbled, as if he was in a trance. I cleared my throat, making him look at me with tired eyes.

"I asked if you had trouble sleeping?" I asked again, earning a blank stare from him in response. Eventually he took a deep breath, leaning onto the table as if it was his only life line.

"Trouble means you do sleep." He clarified, answering my question worse than I expected.

I sighed, leaning forward too, careful not to lean into my food. That would just be a waste.

"He'll be fine. And so will J.J." I said. "Spencer's able to talk to us, at least, so that's something. J.J. will go through some surgeries for this, and she'll be okay. A little tired, maybe, but okay. You need to have faith in them. They haven't given up yet, and I've seen them go through worse, so this won't break them. Especially Spencer."

I flinched at my own words, remembering those two days, watching my Junior G-man being harmed from behind my computer screens. Morgan obviously remembered, too, since he bit the inside of his cheek. I dropped my gaze to my food, which had been untouched since the first strip of bacon so far.

I had lost my appetite, so I simply slid it towards Morgan. "Want any?"

He looked at it, then, taking a small strip of bacon, smiled a small 'Thank you'. I took the rest and dumped it in the trash, ignoring weird looks from the few people in the café, and sat with Morgan for about another half-hour in silence until someone else decided to come down and join us.

All Or None (Criminal Minds Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now