Chapter 3: Clues Are Hard To Find

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"Here we are," Emily said as Rossi steered the car into the parking lot of the bar. "Let's get this over with. I wanna pummel this UNSUB's head in so hard he--"

"Come on, Prentiss." Rossi said, chuckling. He had already walked around and opened Emily's door. He held out his hand, being a gentleman, to help her out of the car.

Emily scoffed, taking his hand. She got out of the car, Rossi shutting the door behind her. She walked up to the front double-doors and held one open for the other Special Agent. When they entered the bar, the smell of alcohol and old sweat hitting their noses. They soon got used to it, and they made their way to the counter. Holding up their I.D.s, they introduced themselves.

"Hello, my name is Agent Prentiss and this is SSA Agent Rossi. We're from the FBI and we have some things we'd like to ask you and your coworkers if you don't mind." Emily said, taking a seat afterwards.

Rossi sat down beside her as the bartender went to get the manager and his fellow coworkers. As they all gathered, introducing themselves and shaking hands, around the edge of the bar, Emily started up.

"We're Agents from the FBI, and we're here to investigate the kidnapping and murder of your coworker Alyssa Richman. She was found dead in the forest, and there have been a couple others that had the same result. Which is why we need your help to find the UNSUB."

Multiple coworkers just nodded, still shocked that their coworker had been killed.

"So, we're looking for a white male, accompanied by a smaller, also white, female. They would probably come together, but stay a little distance apart. Normally, the girl would act very homosexual towards other women, luring in some that have drank just a little too much. The man would probably be up at the bar, secretly watching, while distracting the bartenders by ordering a lot of drinks he doesn't need." Rossi explained.

"The girl would most likely be around her early to mid twenties, and the male would be a little bit older. Same thing with size. Girl would be small, the man would have to be buff, strong, and very educated on his human anatomy. They would have to have come here regularly in order to be able to find their victims first, then track them down and take them without people noticing." Emily continued for Rossi, finishing their description of the UNSUB. Or rather, what little they had of it.

"I can't remember anyone coming into the bar like that. And if I did, it's pretty regular for a guy and a girl to come here together and end up leaving with someone else." One of the men said. Most of the others nodded their heads along with his explanation, but someone else spoke up.

"I saw someone," a small voice from behind the bunch of men at the front said weakly. "I saw a man and a woman come in about a week ago. They left with this girl . . . I think her name was Alyssa or Amelia or something like that. She was here about a week ago. She worked for another bar across town, but she always said this one had better margaritas." A woman stepped into the front of the crowd, a blush forming on her cheeks as everyone stared at her.

"Tiffany, why don't you go show them on the security cameras? I'm sure we haven't gotten rid of those yet." The guy who looked like the manager suggested. He was nice; almost too nice.

"Thank you for your time," was all Emily had said before slipping into the back after Tiffany. I followed, and the group started to disperse. Some of the customers were getting angry.

"This was the security footage from about a week ago," Tiffany said as she clicked through a small laptop that was settled on a desk in the back.

Emily and Rossi crowded around the screen while Tiffany pointed out the two UNSUBs as they walked in. She showed them as the man came up to the bar, ordering a very large drink while the girl went over to a booth currently occupied by the victim Alyssa Richman. They watched as the girl lured her outside, claiming to go for a smoke. The guys walked out after them, and they never returned afterwards.

They had the perfect views of their UNSUBs.


Hotch, Morgan and J.J. were having the same luck as Agents Prentiss and Rossi.

The manager of the bar they were at had even showed two women being abducted there, too. Only, the girls who were abducted from this spot were roughly the same as Rossi and Emily's. The second that worked here was captured on her break, which she normally spent outside anyways, and the one that worked at the bar across town had been taken while hanging out with a few friends.

J.J. thanked the people for their time, then Morgan started back towards the station. The drove in silence, until Hotch decided to pull out his phone. He tapped on David Rossi, and pressed call.

Rossi answered on the first ring. "I was about to call you."

Hotch chuckled. "Strange."

"What'd you three find out so far on our victims?" Emily cut in before the boys could socialize any longer. Rossi had put them on speaker. Hotch did the same.

"The girl that worked at your bar was taken when hanging out with a few friends and the other one that worked here was taken on her break." J.J. explained.

"Ours was lured outside while she was alone," said Rossi.

"We'll meet you back at the station, right?" Morgan asked, pulling onto the same street as said station. Earning an agreement from the others, they parked right in front.


"What makes you so special?!" the girl yelled, throwing the plate she was holding across the room. "Why are you the most important on the team?!"

"Calm down, Tara. Take it easy." A man said from the back corner of the room.

Spencer watched as the small girl stared at the man, then started to scream again. "Shut up, Jake! You don't know the extent of this! Spencer here is famous! But why? Because he's part of the FBI? Because he passed a stupid test?!"

"No. It's because of other reasons, right Doctor?" Jake asked, directing his attention to Spencer.

"Yes, it is." Spencer said cautiously. "I had to take some tests to get where I am, but because I get the recognition I get, it's because of who I am. I am one of the smartest people on Earth. My I.Q. is 187. That's one of the reasons."

"And what might be the others?" Tara asked, crossing her arms and appearing quite mad.

Spencer rolled his eyes behind his eyelids. "I have an eidetic memory, and I have the ability to tell the police to do anything I want them to. My friends have the same power, and I'd bet that they are on their way now."

Spencer was surprised at how confident he sounded.

Tara stared at him for a moment, before stomping through the door in front of Reid. The man in the corner started towards Spencer, but stopped when Tara returned with a camera. It sat on a tripod, so neither had to hold it.

Jake brought out a laptop he had hidden in a small pocket in the wall. He started typing, and smiled at Tara.

"Say hi to your friends in the FBI, Spencer, because this might be the last chance you get." Tara said, turning to the camera. "We're gonna have some fun."

"And the risk you are taking by letting them be able to track us down through the computer? Or are you just going to say into the screen that we are out in the country in the southwest area outside of town? That's pretty much what you're doing by filming us, Tara." Spencer spat the name so venomously, he knew that Garcia was searching on the other side of that screen right now. "And maybe you and your friend Jake could do with a little bit better of a plan before you kidnap a federal agent."

Spencer stared right into the camera, which stayed on as he heard the gunshot.

All Or None (Criminal Minds Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now