Chapter 7: So Cold

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Morgan's P.O.V.

As I watched J.J. being wheeled off to get a CAT scan, I sighed. What was going to happen next? A bomb go off in the middle of the hospital so all the BAU members would be killed, leaving Jack an orphan and Henry without his mom? Yeah. That would just so happen to be the worst outcome. Best outcome; we all get to leave here within the hour, with no long-lasting injuries or scars.

But that probably won't be happening.

Also, we haven't gotten word from anybody on the condition of our Pretty Boy, either. God, please let him be okay. I don't know what I'd do if--NO. Do NOT think like that. He will be okay. He has never given up before, and nothing's holding him back now. He'll get better.

As I chanted this to myself, I didn't notice a different doctor walking up to us until she spoke.

"Are all of you here for Spencer Reid?" she asked, looking around at their tired faces. Her blue eyes indicated that she was just as tired as the rest of us. And her way-too-curly brown hair didn't help.

I nodded. "How is he?"

She sighed. "Not very good. He survived the surgery to help with the gunshot wound to his thigh, but he also gained some infection before then. We have given him the greatest amount of antibiotics we are allowed to, but even that's not helping. It has already spread, and we aren't sure if he'll ever fully recover."

You could practically hear our hearts hit the floor.

"But, even if the chance of that is great, there is still the small chance of his doing so. You may see him, but you may only go in two at a time, if you would like. I might allow three, since there are an odd number of you." The doctor finished, waiting for us to discuss. 

I turned to Emily. "You haven't seen him yet. You should go first."

She nodded, not meeting any of our gazes. She looked at the doctor, waiting for her to take her to her friend.

"Anyone else like to come? I'm sure if he wakes up, he'd rather see some familiar faces than the face of a worn-out doctor," she said. "And I'm sure the anesthesia will be wearing off pretty soon now."

Hotch and Rossi shared a look. I looked at Prentiss, then at Garcia. I had forgotten that she hadn't been back either.

"Penelope should go," I piped up, pushing her gently towards Emily. "She hasn't been back either."

Hotch and Rossi nodded, agreeing with me.

"Us three will go in next, if that's okay with you?" Rossi asked, his Italian accent showing just a tiny bit.

The doctor nodded, and then she turned to the girls, leading them down the hallway and out of sight.

Garcia's P.O.V.

As we walked down the hallway, we eventually ended up out of sight of the boys. I tried to remember the directions we took to get to Reid's room, but gave up after the 6th turn down a large hallway. Damn, this hospital is huge, I thought. We had arrived at my little G-man's room, but my hopefulness had all but stayed. I looked at Emily, and I could tell that she wasn't prepared to see what was on the other side of that door either. But, we stepped through anyways.

Spencer was lying motionless on the bed, and his skin was so pale you would probably think it was paper if you took a picture and cut out his eyes, nose, mouth, cute little freckles, his adorable mess of hair, the collar of the hospital gown--stop it, Garcia! You have to focus! This boy needs your enthusiasm, happiness, and another large quantity of stuffed animals, stat!  I thought to myself, mentally slapping myself for getting so caught up in his looks, rather than trying to figure out if he'll ever be okay. 

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