Chapter 5: Deceived

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Spencer slowly opened his eyes. He racked his brain, making sure it still worked. Tara was right above him, glaring at the wall, and he'd hate to be the one to get the brunt of her anger. He wasn't hit, but his body had reacted like it had been, causing him to momentarily black out. Tara, on the other hand, was standing still, with the occasional exhale of breath. Without warning, she closed her eyes, and turned around. Jake was standing there, the gun being held limply in his hand, the fear in his eyes evident.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Tara said, her voice slowly rising with every word. "Why are you even standing there?" Tara looked down. Blood was slowly falling from her fingertips, and she followed the trail upwards. A small hole was punctured through her sleeve near her shoulder, and the soft fabric was slowly turning red. She cursed multiple times under her breath, and opened a small cabinet in the corner. She pulled out some bandages and a bottle of alcohol to clean the wound. She also grabbed a needle and thread, and looked at Jake. "Help me get back to the house." She waddled out, and Jake stalled for a moment. When the door slammed shut again, Jake ran up to Reid.

"We're at 1482 Withering Drive, the camera's still on. Remember: I'm being held against my will. I really hope I can stall long enough so she can bleed to death." With that, he left, and Spencer moved up to the camera quietly, as to not cause any suspicion from outside. 

"If any of you guys are watching, I am at 1482 Withering Drive. Tara was shot in the arm, and Jake isn't that willing to help. He's helped me so I haven't been killed yet, and he shot Tara before she could hurt me. Make his punishment less severe than Tara's please. And, bring your guns. I'm in a shed, and I gotta go." Spencer felt himself start to feel dizzy. He sat down, but continued explaining. "I'm sorry, too. If I would've asked for help, I wouldn't even be in this mess right now . . ." Spencer looked at the ground, refusing to cry. "And now you have to come save me. Well, I don't suppose you have to. You can leave me, I'd understand. You have other, more important, people to save than me. So, I guess it's up to you, then." Spencer lie back on the floor, resting his head on the ground.

Before he could even sit up, Tara swung open the door again, her shoulder covered in bandages, and her shirt sleeve cut off. She stomped over to Spencer, picking him up with one hand, then leading him out of the room.

On the other side of the camera screen, Penelope was the only person left to watch as Spencer left a bloody trail out the door. The rest were on their way.


Hotch put the phone on speaker. "Morgan and Prentiss, go through the front of the house, Rossi through the back. J.J. and I will go to the shed. Be ready at all times, this girl is armed. The boy is not a threat, but do not forget about him. Bring him out, and we'll get Reid and Tara."

"Gotcha Hotch." Morgan said, hanging up.

As they all pulled onto the street that their fellow agent was being held at, their hearts could not be controlled. They beat so hard and fast in each of their chests, they felt as though they were about to burst. But, they kept their focus, even with the police sirens in the background growing closer. They soon parked so they were blocking the driveway, and brought out their guns before even stepping out of the car.

Taking in their surroundings within seconds, they stepped out of the car.

Morgan and Prentiss were able to get inside the house pretty easily, since the front door wasn't even locked. Rossi went in the back, seeing no one until they all got upstairs. In one of the bedrooms, they saw Jake, tied to a chair and gagged. They quickly went to untie him, then put him in handcuffs. They led him down to the just arriving police cars, and they told the local police to stay put. Then, they went to find their leader and his assistant.

All Or None (Criminal Minds Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now