Kaneki's pov;

Without much of a struggle I slipped the sweatshirt over my head. It fell mid-thigh and I felt my ears slightly heat. This is Hide's sweater.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. This is all so much to take in. I feel terrible that I can't tell Hide about me. I don't really know what to tell him. I myself don't know much about this. But I guess I can open up about what I know, he deserves to know. This must be so stressing for him with college to deal with on the other hand. I became uneasy at my thoughts and ran my hand through my hair.

I was fixing the duvets of the bed, many thoughts running through my head which made me anxious.

"G-GYAH!" There was loud clanging followed by a thud.

I panicked hearing Hide's wail and rushed to the kitchen.

"Hide! Are you oka- gak!" I fell to my knees while hurrying through the hall, pain striking through my head.

I shakily rose to my feet, my hands gripping my hair as an eerie ringing blared in my ears. I stumbled to the kitchen, my priority being Hide's safety. I saw Hide propped on his elbows, a wild expression crossing his face; he looked like he'd seen someone being chopped in two. I couldn't balance myself any longer and fell onto the ground.

"K-Kaneki!" Hide quickly crawled over to my side and his hands skimmed the sleeves of my sweatshirt, "U-Uh, wha-what's wrong? What should I do?" Hide rambled, falling into a fit of hysteria.

"I-I-" I felt a cold wind on the nape of my neck and my eyes shot open, when I began to see scratchy images of a shadow of a woman, her smile devious and purple hair glimmering, blood dripping from her hands.

I shook my head and looked desperately at Hide, unable to find the right words to say. My mind was a jumbled mess of thoughts and chopped images of that mysterious figure. Hide jumped to his feet and ran to the window. I watched his every move, keeping my hands over my ears and gritting my teeth in hopes that the pain and irritating noise would vanish.

"Hi-Hide, what are you..." I breathed out, restlessly, watching as he opened the window and stuck his head out.

Hide's pov;

I stuck my head out, somehow thinking that it was no coincidence I saw that sketchy apparition and Kaneki is experiencing unexplainable pain. I carefully scanned the area, feeling a hint of security over Kaneki, but saw nothing. The lamp post flickered, yet nothing appeared. I sighed, shivering with chills.

I closed the window, putting the lock on it and glancing over to Kaneki, seeing he was no longer in pain. This definitely confirms my theory that the menacing, perhaps, illusion is connected to the pain Kaneki was experiencing. I don't plan to let this slide, a bit angry that Kaneki went through pain he doesn't deserve.

Kaneki's chest heaved and he looked up at me with weary eyes, sweat beading down his temple. I walked over to him and he trembled as he stood up. He was about to fall when I swooped over and caught him, my hands tucked under his arms. I was glad he wore a long sleeve, otherwise my hands would've slipped through his skin and he would've fallen. He lazily looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"I'm okay," he whispered in a small breath.

I sighed, feeling sympathetic. I dislike all this tension. What if this is my fault? I shook my head with a comforting smile, picking Kaneki up in bridal style, thanking the fact he wore my sweatshirt and sweats. He kinda looks really cute... I cleared my throat, my cheeks faintly heating.

"We should rest," I softly murmured, entering my room and glanced at Kaneki; he's blushing.

"I can walk, I'm okay, Hide," Kaneki muttered, refusing to look me in the eyes.

I couldn't help but quietly chuckle, "If you say so," I mused and let go of my grip on him.

He gasped, probably expecting to fall on hard ground, but blushed harder when I ducked down and caught him, yet again in bridal style. I gave him a warm grin and set him down on the bed.

"You goof," He laughed, grabbing my pillow and throwing it at me with a sluggish aim.

I caught it and tossed it back into place, walking over to my drawers to get my sleep wear. I stopped as I opened the drawer halfway, realizing I don't really sleep in clothes. Usually I just sleep in my boxers and Kaneki took my only emergency pajamas.

"Uh... Kaneki?" I squeaked, slowly turning around to see him already fixing himself under the covers. He stopped what he was doing and averted his attention to me, staring at me intently with those lovely doe eyes that I can't deny I've missed.

"Hm?" He hummed, blinking heavily.

He must be really exhausted, I fought my frown.

"You don't mind that I sleep in my boxers right?" I nervously laughed, rubbing the back of my head and closing my eyes.

"U-U-Um-U-Uh-Y-Yeah, i-i-t's ok-ay," I saw him look at the sheets, his cheeks a bright red.

I hid my blush by turning away, "O-Okay, cool," I mumbled and faced the dresser, my back to Kaneki.

I felt my blush enhance when I began to strip myself free of my clothes. I felt some sort of insecurity wash over me. I was red from my cheeks to ears once I slipped out of my jeans and was now half naked. I took a shaky, deep breath to calm myself. I shook off my tenseness and casually turned around.

Kaneki had a wild look in his eyes, his mouth slightly ajar, and a blush written all over his cheeks. I felt liquid drip from my nose and I quickly pushed my knuckles against my nose to cover it. Kaneki nervously sweat, giving me an anxious smile.

"Nice," I muttered, hiding my nosebleed.


I stared at the ceiling, my hand underneath my head, supporting it. The fan's whir and Kaneki's calming breathing filled my ears. There was an occasional light that filled the room when cars passed by, but nothing too exciting. Yet, I was still uneasy. Everything that has happened... I haven't really gotten time to let it sink in and now that I think about it, it gives me a headache. It is the last thing I hoped to have in the middle of the night, especially since I'm trying to sleep.

I have a test tomorrow that I didn't finish studying for and I have no clue how I'll be able to sustain enough money for a living, now that Kaneki's in the picture. With the whole, "not really dead or alive" thing, I don't feel safe letting him work. I shook my head. These thoughts are really stressing me out.

"I need to sleep," I puffed out, glancing over to see Kaneki was peacefully asleep, "We've had a tough day, huh?" I quietly laughed to myself, feeling beyond fatigue.

I sighed and forced my eyes closed, trying to push away all the thoughts I had. My eyes began to twitch, refusing to close and I slowly began to grow irritated. Stay calm, you'll eventually fall asleep, I reminded myself.

I frowned and continued to struggle with falling asleep. My eyelids were half open but didn't close any further. I breathed out a short breath of defeat. I was about to get up to get a glass of water when there was shuffling of sheets and arms wrapped around my waist. I stiffened in surprise, staring at the bed of white hair that laid on my bare stomach with shock.

I slowly relaxed and felt... at ease. I slowly began to feel exhaustion take over my body. My eyes drooped and I fell limp in his gentle grip. I shut my eyes and let out a sigh of relief, falling into deep slumber.


ok so a lot of stuff has happened to poor hide n kaneki + who dat mysterious chick outside hide's house tf

alright, i have a ton of apologizing to do. i promised frequent updates and i didn't update much, and i am so soosos os sorry. i feel so bad and terrible so i'll make it up with another update schedule around next week or maybe even sunday! the reason being for such slow updates is the device i used to use to write chapters broke... but now i have a chromebook which is much easier to use so i swear on my life i will update more. these last chapters haven't been the best and i dearly apologize.

i love you all and thank u so so so much for sticking around. i hope you're all doing good ! xx

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